Saturday, March 29, 2014

Signs that you hate work.

After working for a few days, I've come up with a list of symptoms which shows that you dread work.

1. You hate waking up every morning.
This is quite a normal symptom actually.

2. You lose your appetite.
Wow lunch break is the part where I'm looking forward to every single day, but I'm not actually hungry, just very tired and need a break. I don't even have appetite for dinner because I'm just so tired and all I want to do is sleep.

3. You have a stomachache before working.
It's like the feeling of having exam jitters because you dread it so much. And you just wish and wish that you'll get a diarrhea somehow so you'll get to take an MC and skip work.

4. Your bitch face just naturally appears when you talk/gossip/complain about work to your friends.
Finally met Doreen for dinner yesterday and I was lamenting about my day at work, and she's like woah woah woah your bitch face is appearing hahaha wth I can also feel it masking my face.

5. You find yourself chanting to yourself "don't come in don't come in" whenever you see a large group of customers.
However, the odds will NEVER be in your favour. Because once the moment you chant that, they decide to flood into the shop. So you may think hmmm maybe I should chant COME IN COME IN instead. This is the part where the pussycat dolls' song "when I grow up" is so true. "Be careful what you wish for coz you just might get it." How true indeed. I was wishing for more people to come in because I hope the law of reversal will somehow work and no customers and no one would come in. How wrong I am. Wow just as I was typing this, around 20-30 customers just came my gosh.

6. You feel like puking when you think about work.
The whole idea of working 6 days a week for 8 hours a day is just so revolting.

7. You start to count down the hours and minutes you're left with till the end of the day.
Nothing is better than ending work an going home.

Wow totally sounding like a brat in this post Hahaha shit. Bye.

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