Tuesday, February 12, 2013

oh great jc life.

Sobz how to juggle between homework and revision?? So many things to do. Did I mention how much I hate GP?? Oh yes I did. I don't like to think critically. Call me shallow. I'm happy with what I see on the surface. Why trouble my pea-sized brain cells to think in-depth?? GP is supposed to be a H1 subject, yet the most difficult to score. It's so freaking unpredictable, just like history essays. You always think you have done a good job and written the most fabulous essay in your life but when you get back your results, it's always so low. Passing GP is so difficult. OH GREAT.

Try surviving JC life with a father like mine. New pile of homework on my table each day. The pile doesn't diminish, but multiplies. OH GREAT.

I was complaining about how much I hate Chemistry a couple of days ago, and then he told me to stop complaining about it since I've chosen this subject and I don't have a choice but to do well in it. Must I remind you, my dear father, that I did not choose Chemistry but you were the one who sat beside me while I selected my subject combination online, and made sure that I selected Chemistry and stared at me like an eagle and made sure that clicked submit?? OH GREAT.


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