Wednesday, October 11, 2017

mad rush.

Have you ever written something and cast it aside for days, weeks, months or years, and when you come back to that piece of writing, you go like, "This was written by me??!!"


It's almost 3am and I have a 10am class tomorrow but I can't sleep somehow. Perhaps I'm a nervous wreck for tomorrow's presentation with Shin Oppa. Plus, I'm having a throbbing headache, coupled with a trickling nose and incessant coughing. Also, my eyes are puffy and swollen and they burn. This always happens when I'm sick.

On a happier note, got back one of my papers today and it was above average!! Not fantastic but good enough, at least for now.

Oh and dumb moment yesterday when I went to MPSH for my midterm when it was held at AS8 WTH HAHA. Luckily my 6th sense told me something felt wrong so I asked Doreen where the venue was and she was like AS8 OMG and I faster ran back!! Lucky I was half an hour early so could run there on time. Woes of not checking announcements.

The paper was quite difficult omg its duration was 1.5 hours, but I spent the first 25 mins stoning because I couldn't figure out how to draw the payoff table for a 2x3 situation ZZZ WASTED MY TIME. Everyone was furiously writing but I was just sipping on my orange juice and staring at my script.

The people who made econs bearable :')

And there was free welfare - soi55 thai milk tea yesterday!! We super kiasu HAHA went to queue at 11. They were supposed to be there at 11 but the vendors were late so dragged till 11.50. HAHA so we found a seat like beside the tables HAHAHA and camped there. And then I told Avery about it and asked he where he was and he was like, "I was going to leave soon, but I shall leave NOW." HAHAH. And then it was running out and I was like DUDE YOU GOTTA HURRY then he asked me to take for him. SO LUCKY omg they were only left with 6 but I managed to snag one of them for him HAHA. He even came all the way to arts at 2 to find me just for his milk tea when he has a lesson at 2 wth hahaha anything for good food.

Also, rushed my essay with Do. The essay is such a dread omg had been working on it for like 2 weeks zzz. CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW TO BE OVER AND DONE WITH. 

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