Thursday, January 31, 2019

stye in my eye.

The title sounds like a plausible title for a new rap. LOLOL.

Saw a post on Facebook which ranked people's luck in 2019 based on their birthdates. I placed 60th on the post, which isn't too bad, hence I was really excited to revert back to being not unlucky.

I thought my series of unfortunate events for January had ended after that major shitty week, followed with 2 weeks of amazing and peaceful events at work, but then on a certain Sunday morning, I dropped my phone again (this is huge because as I had mentioned, I don't really drop my phone) WTH. And it cracked even more this time. I had no choice but to do a swop which cost $170 sobz I promise to treat my new phone better and protect it with my life. 

And then, early this week, I've no idea what happened but I got a stye in my eye, again. This isn't surprising for me because I experience this almost once a year. Doctors have told me that this would be a normal occurrence for someone who had stye. Once you get it once, it's very easy to get repeat occurrences of it. I had a surgery done on my eye years ago because of a stye. For the following years after that, the incidents weren't as serious, but this week, it's pretty bad. I had to take 2 days of MC because my eye hurts every time I blink.

Hence, I thought that post on Facebook was trash HAHAHHA. 

I didn't want to take an MC and went to work yesterday because hell, my director is having a bad flu, sniffing away at work and even wearing a thick woollen sweater, and he still insists on going to work and even OT-ing. And here am I, a small fry, with just a small case of stye, taking MC. In fact, 2 days of MC. I don't want to seem like a slacker. But I could hardly blink yesterday and I just want to close my eyes to rest them, so I went home halfway through work. I am really blessed to be filled with colleagues who are sooooo nice and understanding :'( 

Anyway, there's still a very visible lump at my eye, and it still hurts when I blink, hence I'm still worried. I even drop my contact lenses for my spectacles, which says a lot because you know how vain I am -- I skype my friends till the wee hours in my contacts, I go for sleepovers and still wear my contacts, only removing when I'm sleeping, I travelled and stayed up late with my friends in my contacts, I bathe in my contacts, I basically live in my contacts. But to even heck it all and go to work, travel around in my glasses, it shows the extent of the discomfort I was in. But after the past couple of days, I realised that I've really given up on trying to dress up LOLOL because there's really no one to impress HAHA, and that 爱美 is really useless because 怎样爱美,还都不会美 HAHAHA. 

Ok I should sleep soon but I've been sleeping the whole day because there's really nothing much I can do with only one eye. HELP ME. Still have work tomorrow!! A busy day in fact. FAINTS.

Here's to wishing that the Facebook post follows the lunar calendar, and that I would be lucky after Chinese New Year HAHHA. 

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