Sunday, March 18, 2012

worst holiday ever.

Ok so this is the worst holiday ever of my life. All thanks to GP. Let's all give a round of applause to the almighty GP. *claps claps*. Super pissed off because of the 15 essay outlines. Not only that, we had to do a globalization table, plus advertisement project omg WHY YOU TELL ME WHY T___T then it was all going well until the thread of messages which followed on Friday. We had to type everything 0ut!! Omg and I hand wrote every single word then you tell me need to print. Omg you know I spent 5 hours typing out 15 essay outlines today??!! :( super annoyed!! plus I used like 50 pieces of paper for the printing. Ouch my printer ink!! My father bought it today specially for me to print and let me say, IT'S NOT CHEAP AT ALL. MORE THAN 50 DOLLARS. OUCH HEART RIPPED APART.

anyway, on a side note, I'M OFFICIALLY DONE WITH THEORY!! (that's if I pass haha). You know there are 4 papers each year?? Mainly A, B, C & S. and S is considered to be the most difficult paper, and my teacher was still telling me that we will get A paper since most of the time Singaporeans will get A paper. Then when I received my paper, my heart nearly got ripped apart because I got the almighty S paper. I was so stunned and started panicking. Fortunately, it's over. What's done is done. waiting for results now. Glad that I can finally stop ranting about theory lessons on my blog now.

come to think of it, I will really miss theory lessons haha!! Amazed with myself for saying this.

anyway, school's starting tomorrow. pray that it's going to be a good good day and I'm really nervous over PW.

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