Friday, April 6, 2012

not just any friday.

yeah it's not just any friday, but GOOD friday HAHHAA. went for easter convention service at expo today with my family. it was such a long day. I WORE A DRESS TODAY HAHAHA. gosh the number of dresses I own can be easily counted with 5 fingers LOL. Everyone in my family says that I'm very uncouth and walk with my legs spread very wide and swing my arms like a guy haha le sigh. MANLY SARAH (Y).

went to city plaza to shop after that. technically speaking, I was the observer, watching how my aunts and my mum spent their money on clothes. I bought a pair of jeans $10 only damn cheapskate haha. We ate Arnold's and gosh the chicken is quite good. siao we ordered too many pieces of chicken. There were like 15 pieces for the 5 of us, so we had to pack the leftovers home. I think my mum was very satisfied with her purchases today. My heart ached for the amount of money she spent on her massive shopping spree.

Yesterday was really awkward, I guess, because it's my classmate jonathan's birthday, and sadly, we didn't know about it except for his close friends. So we sang a very soft birthday song for him because we were near the General Office and we were afraid that Mr koh would hear LOL.

Anyway, did you notice something different about my blog?? HAHAHAH look at the side, there's this new widget called INSTAGRAM hahaha :)

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