Thursday, May 31, 2012

seasons in the sun.

Choir camp yesterday was awesome!! It wasn't much of a choir camp for us since we went as year 5s (not under school's name) hahah so it was more of a batch outing!! FUN FUN FUN IN THE SUN SUN SUN.

Looking cool with xinge's awesome turquoise specs. Had mac breakfast hahaha and nobody told andy where we meeting/what time we meeting oops. Ok fine we did tell him that we are meeting at 9.30, but we didn't tell him we were meeting at 9.30 for breakfast. He went with the juniors though. POOR NINGZE/OTHER JUNIORS.

we played pig poker because the sun was scorching hot and we didn't want to play ball. the clever xuxi suggested that whoever lost had to buy lunch for everyone. gullible me kept on responding whenever someone talked to me. xuxi and hubert were the willy old foxes who managed to trick everyone into responding to them.

in the end, joel was the greatest loser hahahah but nice boonfang rae xinge and xuxi decided to go buy lunch with him. the remaining year 5s played frisbee. after 10 mins, we decided to take a break. and guess what?? the break didn't end LOL. all the remaining year 5 girls went into the sea, and poor me had to stand on the sand and watched all of them having fun squealing in the sea. I HATE MENSES. after staring at them for close to 15 mins, I trudged back up to our mat. the remaining people left were clement and hubert. so I asked cecilia along since she was getting tired. then they asked us to play bridge with them. I still suck at that game. I learnt it during 4H class chalet. Up till this day, I still have no idea what to do when we are supposed to bid. I always pass during bidding. It was pretty hilarious since clement and hubert were always partners and I'm just clueless. clement would keep on scolding hubert for being stupid.

The moment of truth when xuxi revealed the spoons. Pathetic us had to tear our styrofoam rice boxes to use as make-shift spoons. (hubert's idea)

dinner at sky garden. this nice couple helped us take the picture haha!!

Look at the styrofoam spoon I was holding in my hand!! ok this is the story:

xuxi boonfang xinge rae joel went to buy lunch for us. apparently, they came back after around 2 hours, telling us that they forgot to bring spoons. Creative and innovative hubert came up with the idea of using the styrofoam pieces as a temporary spoon. I told xuxi, "DON'T TELL ME THIS IS A PRANK. IF YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE OUT SPOONS LATER AND SURPRISE US, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU." and she replied, "THAT'S JUST REALLY EVIL." and true enough, best actress award goes to XUXI!! DENG DENG DENG DENG. SHE APPEARED WITH SPOONS. (refer to picture above) hahaha they claimed that they felt very guilty looking at us eating with styrofoam. P.S. the chicken rice tasted horrible and it costs $4.50. daylight robbery.

camwhoring @ harbourfront.

rae's blur face (Y) look at the last picture. HAHAHA boonfang omg she looks desperate to be photobomb us HAHAHA. I told her that she needs to pick up proper lessons from me on how to be a successful photobomber.

played asshole daidi (how to spell) with xuxi joel and clement. I think we played around 5 rounds, and I was the asshole for 4 rounds. Life sucks T___T

we played year 4s VS year 5s frisbee, and of course, we won WOOHOOO HAHAH YEAR 5S WOOSH. our stupid cheer LOL. I was being brave and blocked the tall year 4 junior. I was successful in blocking him. Kudos to me. (Y) Ms lam was so nice :') she waited for us till 6.40 because we didn't want to leave the beach hahaha. I like ms lam!! WHY MUST SHE LEAVE :(

Clement was being very punny yesterday, making many choir puns. Joel couldn't stand his lameness hahaah. HIS SENSE OF HUMOUR IS AT THE BASE (BASS) OMG WTH.

everyone looks so tanned hahaha gina looks like a freaking lobster. she spent too many hours in the sea. Even though I spent 70% of my time under the shade, I had the worst tan line on my thighs. The colour tone was super obvious.

anyway, yesterday was really fun!! bonding session with batch mates (Y) really got to know them better.

I can't wait for SE concert tomorrow hahaha I can see junhui!!

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