Tuesday, July 17, 2012

the good and the bad and the ugly.

KUDOS/BRAVO to whoever edited the 9GAG photo on THOR above. Netizens are really too creative for their own good hahah freaking hilarious. Today was a mixture of "the good and the bad and the ugly."

Let me start off with the bad news:

1. I whacked Liuhan's head with a tennis ball during PE lesson today. It was really by accident. I felt so guilty after that.

2. I dragged Freda's bag over some disgusting brownish liquid in the canteen. I was so guilty.

3. I was busy laughing at Lawrence's comment that Liuhan sounds very aggressive that I dragged by screechy chair over the floor and it squeaked really loudly. People turned around and immediately covered their ears and stare at me. Chloe couldn't stop laughing and my face and my ears were burning hot.

4. qand6c said that we are supposed to upload physics e-learning but apparently only 65 people did. I had to rush home and submit my e-learning wth.

5. I just received notice that my grade 8 piano exam will be held on my birthday. WHAT AN AUSPICIOUS DATE. 1 MORE MONTH TO PRACTISE. I practically cursed in front of my laptop when I saw the email and screamed out WHAT THE HELL. It's the first time I scolded what the hell right in front of my mother.

6. Freda rolled my chair over my big toe TWICE. I guess it's payback for me dragging her bag over the gooey liquid. KIDDING she's not so evil, right?? Hmmm HAHAHA. WE ARE QUITS THEN.

Some good news:

1. I IMPROVED BY 5 FREAKING MARKS FOR HISTORY OMG I'M SO GAN DONG I WANT TO CRY. 5 marks may seem very little but it's super significant for history!! Ms chua told me it's not bad I felt like crying hahahah emotional. WOOHOO.

2. Went back for chemistry tutorial after history and ms lu told us that mr ho has decided to accept G=0 for the last question omg so can add 1 mark worth of working mark. This allow me to jump a grade omg!! CAN THIS GET ANY BETTER??!! THE GOOD LUCK STREAK NEEDS TO CARRY ON.

3. My favourite author on wattpad uploaded a new chapter of her book and the chapter was so good.

but sadly, it ends here.

Ugly news?? DON'T HAVE LOL. anyway, today joey and chloe did not wear specs to school and they look very pretty. I bet they made the guys swoon LOL HAHAHA drama queen. anyway, I shall share with you my awesome GP poem.

Imprinted memories, indelible
The elusive lines unlocking a whole library of meaning
Pictures from the past and the present
Buildings and people
Sorrow and laughter
Etched in everyone’s minds

LOL bad attempt at acting chim. I thought it was cheesy.

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