Thursday, January 3, 2013

change is the only constant.

Second day of school was so horrible because I hate GP so much and I don't understand the teacher at all omg. I miss Constance's lessons. (haha I love my post title. look up.) I love her sarcasm and the way she stands up to Nicholas' antics. I don't like it when teachers refuse to move on when nobody can give the answer. ARGH. Physics lecture was so embarrassing I want to dig a hole and crawl into it and I sincerely hope that everyone can forget about me going up and stuttering my way through. I swear my lips were quivering so much and I was giving this super awkward and shaky smile to the lecturer. I wanted to cry LOL. I hate it when everybody is staring at me. Ok at least from this horrible nightmare, I learnt one thing - the definition of coulomb LOL. YAY 1 MARK FOR DEFINITION ALREADY.