Wednesday, February 6, 2013

turquoise or pants.

We had our costume measurements today. Many people are not happy with the colour of the costume. They deviated from our traditional purple/maroon colour and it's now a turquoise colour instead. I really love the colour turquoise, but when it's on our costume, it looks weird. We look like a primary school choir. Then again, we should not complain because it's our 4th costume in just 6 years while other CCAs have been wearing the same costumes for 6 years. Moreover, would you rather wear an ugly long-sleeved top with weird carpet-like fabric + ugly baggy pants that does not flatter one's figure at all or a turquoise one-piece dress?? THE DRESS OF COURSE. Hahaha we are changing shoes too!! When we asked Ms Lu what colour will our new heels be, being a Chemistry teacher, she answer, "Off-white." HAHAHA WTH off-white ppt HAHAHA.

Had a fun time with choir today. TOO MANY UNGLAM PHOTOS THAT ARE TO BE KEPT WITHIN OUR 4 WALLS. (especially you, asshole xuxi if you are reading this xD). Clement is now gross cat HAHA. Xinge won the photo competition zzz I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE WINNER. BOOOOO XUXI BOOOO. 

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