Tuesday, June 25, 2013

haze I just met you.

Despite watching so many Disney movies, Mulan is still my favourite. She's my favourite princess too AHHH!! I'm so happy that I managed to dig out my stack of Disney movies + Barbie CDs (HAHAH going to get judged so badly for watching Barbie movies but hey, I'm a girl and I used to really like Barbie dolls ok) when my dad was clearing the storeroom today!! Coincidentally, Disney Channel was showing Mulan today haha.

Watching Barbie movies just makes me miss ballet. Well I was one of the worst dancers in my class/our batch. I think I was an outcast HAHA. I have no idea why everyone hates me. It's not even like I'm worthy enough to pose a threat to them anyway. I only know that my teacher likes my jumps. I was laughed at for having an almost 1:1 body proportion and all those kids there look at me with disdainful looks. Maybe it's because I'm such a bad dancer and everyone's wondering why am I trying so hard to do something that I'm so bad at. Zzzz. The feeling of doing pirouettes and going en pointe was one of my greatest memory. It's such a pity that my pointe shoes were worn for around 5-6 months only. I can't believe that I quit ballet for Japanese, which I eventually dropped. LOL.

Anyway, one of my favourite puns during the haze period was: What did Indonesia say to Singapore?? Heyz. HAHAHA LOVE IT SO MUCH.

As the exams approach, I can barely even bring myself to study even more. Why is this so argh.

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