Wednesday, July 17, 2013


This week is filled with many spontaneous decisions. Spontaneous people (Y). Spontaneously decided to eat Popeye's with Doreen, Xiumei and Doreen spontaneously decided to come to my house to study, spontaneously decided to eat Mac's with Michele (and Doreen decided to join us) today, spontaneously meeting Wendy tomorrow, spontaneously deciding to go for a run with my dad. Had a good chat with Xiumei on Monday haha she even offered to come to my house to cook/teach me how to cook next time because I told her I'm always eating outside food. Oh and many things in my house spoilt recently!! Like my mouse, our microwave, our fridge compartment, my swivel chair, our house telephone (which is annoying because everyone is calling me on the phone and I hate being the messenger, but the good thing is that I don't have to tolerate the noise of phone ringing because I EXTREMELY HATE IT WHEN THE HOUSE PHONE RINGS.).

Anyway, I think I'm going to suffer from insomnia soon. I can't sleep until 1 plus, which means I have less than 5 hours of sleep a day. Recently, my lower right eyelid has been twitching non-stop (for about 1 week now!!) and many people said that it's due to lack of sleep and some say because something ominous is going to befall me. HAVE THIS BAD FEELING FOR GP because everybody in the class got back their Paper 1 except for me and Doreen.

My dad is extremely annoying these days. He's always complaining that I'm not putting in enough effort and it's not enough, and that I'm wasting my time and stuff. YOU DON'T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE MY GOOD POINTS BUT ONLY SEE MY FLAWS. Is education seriously so important?? Isn't hiring workers based on their qualifications a form of discrimination too?? 

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