Friday, July 5, 2013

wah tummy, now you see me.

Exams have finally ended!! I can take a short break now whew. Having this ominous feeling for exams but it's ok because I'm a very optimistic person and I will do better next time. Junhui was telling me that I sounded very depressed in my previous posts and I definitely felt very sad while studying this year BUT I CAN DO THIS. IT'S ENDING SOON. Great to have such caring friends around me!!

Went to Watami @ Jcube with my class girls (except for Zozo coz she was sick) and ordered the same katsu chicken meal. Had a fun time chatting and laughing AGAIN. Ahhh how carefree. Oh and my post title "wah tummy" is actually WATAMI hahah credits to JOEY CHUA. Ate until so full until my tummy was bursting.

Then we heard that Benson and Joseph were at the ice-skating rink so we went there to stare at people skate since we had 2++ hours to spare before the movie starts. Joey and Liuhan were so excited over Joseph HAHA THEY SQUEALED DAMN LOUDLY that Freda was so embarrassed and walked away. Then we went up to sit and watch people skate for like 2 hours. There was this super cute brother-sister duo omg!! The guy was around our age or probably even older than us and the girl was like 5+?? HE WAS SUPER PATIENT WITH THE SIS and skated super slowly to accommodate her speed, plus he would teach her some stunts and she totally copied. Me and Freda were fangirling over him haha. And there was this group of guys who didn't know how to skate and they had to form a line along the grasp bar and the 3rd and 4th guy were the most hilarious ones because they looked like they were moonwalking and the guy had to drag the grasp bar and push his whole body foward. OK SHIT I'M LAUGHING WHILE TYPING THIS. I think I'm such a horrible person oh no I was laughing so badly at them and I couldn't stop OMG FREAKING HILARIOUS. Oh and we witnessed BROMANCE between Joseph and Benson!! AHHHH.

Finally caught NOW YOU SEE ME!! Saw the trailer when watching ironman3 with ahmeng and I told myself that I MUST watch this movie. I realised that I actually knew all the main characters from previous movies (except the french woman). AHH I'M MINDBLOWN. The first trick on the diamond 7 already got us all freaked out because we all saw diamond 7. NEED TO LEARN THIS TRICK. Oh and I love the part where the mentalist hypnotises the audience and the guy would play his imaginary violin whenever he hears the word "bullshit". Oh and the part where the audience will go attack the guy who shoots "FREEZE" and yell "QUARTERBACK" HAHAA OMG DAMN HILARIOUS. The guy really planned his revenge damn well. SINCE THE AGE OF 12 WOW. I'm going to learn from Lionel Strike and ask a person to sign a poker card for me, then I will plant it in a tree, and 18 years later, I'm going to find the same person to sign a different poker card for me, but I will reveal that the location of the card is IN THE TREE AND EVERYONE WILL THINK I'M AN AMAZING MAGICIAN. I honestly don't mind watching this movie again.

Saw the trailer for a super cool movie called CITY OF BONES, which will be released in August. NEED TO WATCH IT TOO.

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