Friday, August 30, 2013


Everyone (or at least 2J'09) is getting very hyped up for the post-exam activities of visiting Malan campus with our year 1 classes. I'm actually very excited for it haha but it'll be so awkward. 2J's convo is suddenly super active because of this. I really miss the good old days in the Malan campus. There were so many good memories built there. I had my fair share of stupid and bitchy moments. I really want to stab myself and kick some sense into myself for doing so many stupid things last time, and even in year3/4. Those moments of folly can never be eradicated. Wah I wouldn't even be surprised if all my haters gather together and ruin prom for me. I deserve it, I guess. I can do nothing to wipe out all that guilt and ugliness. Ok I promise to be a better person from now on.

Really grateful for my bunch of 2J friends. I'm so glad that we keep a class friendship up till this day, despite being in different classes. I'm glad that we didn't turn out to be hi-bye friends.

Dear Bernice, thank you for being such a great laopo to me. MICKEY AND MINNIE FOREVER. BOO MINNIE AND GOOFY. Where's my stalk that you're supposed to give me on my birthday?? P.S. I still owe you the stupid story book I wrote for you in year 2 HAHA OK I promise to complete it and give it to you after A levels. And everyone needs to stop bullying yangyang ok :'( I like how we always pretend to disown doreen for being such a bad daughter, and how we always bully fatimah haha. I'm so glad that you transferred to RV. We would never have met each other if you didn't transfer. IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE BEST DECISION OF YOUR LIFE. GOOD JOB!!

Dear Doreen, thank you for being such a wonderful friend. I'm so lucky to have you in the same class for 6 years. Haha sorry for not being able to answer all your questions during lessons because I'm very unsure too. We always have this sort of weird chemistry!! Still remember that day in canteen when Joey asked something like "are you sure" (somewhere along that line) and we both exclaimed "LOCK IT IN" when we could have answered "YES" or "DOUBLE CONFIRM". I mean, what's the probability of 2 people saying "LOCK IT IN"?? 0.0000000001!! WOW. We have similar tastes and I guess our personalities are very similar!! Except that you're much nicer than me. I'm very grateful for having you as a friend.

Dear Weining, YOU ARE THE MOST QIANBIAN PERSON I'VE EVER MET HAHA. SHTOP. HELLO KITTY. "bernice, bernice, why you ignore me??" Haha I can never forget all the funny phrases you say. You need to stop saying that I'm short. Wait till I wear super tall heels and tower over you. HAHA I WIN. You have so many weird pattern like the way you shake your legs. YOU LAZY FATIMAH. Haha I remember we used to go home together after school and take 97 together. I also remember your sony ericsson phones. I'm so glad to meet you, because next to you, I won't look so qianbian xD

Dear Wendy, I'm so grateful to know you for like 12 years WOW that's like 2/3 of my life omg. Haha it's so funny that we aren't good friends in primary school despite being in the same class for 5 years??!! Fate must have brought us together HAHA (cheesy. your favourite). Wow we've definitely been through a lot!! Thanks for being there for me all this while haha must be super tolerant of me and my bad sense of humour. You mustn't get bored of me because I'll be sticking closely to you for the rest of your life and you can't shake me off MUAHAHAHA. I'm going to declare myself as the godparents of your kids oh yeah.

Dear Yiming, HAHA THANKS FOR THE MILO. I LOVE IT. Remember our crazy shopping trips??!! Haha it's always the 2 of us. We need to try more fun spectacles!! And go stalk our hot angmohs!! Haha my first impression of you was that you're super good girl. BUT I AM SO DAMN WRONG. HAHA YOU GOT THE WORST HANDWRITING AMONG GIRLS WHOM I KNOW. xuming xuming xuming I really like this nickname of yours and xuxi's haha. I will never forget the first day of school, when you cross the bridge wrongly HAHA LOUSY LIKE SHIT. Thank you for being as crazy as me haha it's very fun indeed.

Ok this really sounds like I'm writing my eulogy. Bye.

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