Sunday, September 22, 2013

grandma and I.

I really love my grandma loads haha she's so adorable. She told me that she wants to take me to China and visit her hometown after my exams. Then she'll bring me to Malaysia and visit Ma Po (the place where she used to live) and then she will bring me to Thailand and she says it's just the 2 of us and the rest of the family can't come along haha!! So I ask her what about our luggage and who is going to carry our luggage for us. Then she said, by then, she will probably strike toto and 4D and have so much money that we'll have bodyguards to escort us and help us carry our stuff HAHA. Then I ask her what about her wheelchair?? I told her, why not I sit on the wheelchair and she push me instead HAHAH OMG SO FUNNY all of us had a good laugh last night while my grandma talks about her dreams for the 2 of us. I love my grandma so so so so much <3 p="">

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