Friday, September 27, 2013

colour run 2013.


Signed up as a volunteer for Singapore's first colour run with Doreen!! We chose the 18th August slot since we could go to school late on Monday. I was sent to the Red Zone (LOL like some red light district) and Doreen was sent to the starting point. We were quite scared since we were separated and we don't know anybody. Plus, I am a socially awkward turtle.

They made us reach there at 1.30pm (to prepare, as they say) when the even only starts around 4 plus. We seriously had nothing to do for 2 hours because they just made us change into our shirts and then we could roam about until 3 plus, then they divided us into our groups. It was extremely hot that day and I was very irritated because I get easily annoyed when I'm feeling super hot (HAHAHA).

goofing around with doreen and my cap before the event haha. We went to this plot of grass near the beach and just sat there and camwhored HAHA. TOTALLY NOT SHAMELESS AT ALL. Don't understand why Doreen can look so sweat-free while I'm just a sticky mess.

Broke up into our groups and I felt so awkward because apparently I'm like the second youngest. The youngest is a 17-year-old who happens to know Bernice!! It was awkward because the group leader knew like 4 of the people from my group, then the other 2 adults were workers from CIMB, and another 2 girls knew each other, and the last girl and me were the only 2 who didn't know anyone. (another 2 guys joined us later on). So we were walking to our destination (I was walking in silence and dread) while the others were talking (except for the other girl). THEN THE RAIN DECIDED TO COME. No umbrella and no poncho so we had to walk in the rain. Thank goodness the rain stopped after a short while. We had to carry like 40 boxes of the red powder to our venue. SUPER HEAVY. 1 box already gave me muscle ache the next day. Some of the guys carried like 3 4 boxes at one go omg!!

Apparently the powder is like cornstarch that is dyed red. The red station, which is the last station, is the most "lethal" one because the colour is the most stubborn one and will take days to wash off. I was initially sceptical when the people who were volunteers the previous day mentioned that their whole face and body were red and that they had trouble scrubbing off and I was thinking to myself, "THEY ARE JUST SCARING YOU. SO EXAGGERATED." BUT I WAS PROVEN WRONG LATER ON. We had to pour 1 box of paint into a bucket each and split into 2 groups at opposite ends so that the powder will splash in both directions. Some annoying dude had to join my side because the other side had too many people. MAYBE THEY DIDN'T LIKE HIM HAHA.

So the event started and within like 15 minutes, they told us that the first runner is already approaching the red zone and we were like WHAT??!! 4KM IN 15MINUTES?? CRAZY. You don't just pay $50 to finish a race in 15 mins. What a waste of money. Plus, there isn't even any prize for coming in first!! And the dude was giving us an indifferent face when we splashed him with powder. We were all cheering WOOOOO WOW NUMBER ONE and he's like giving the "I AM NUMBER ONE I MUST BE FIRST I MUST BE FIRST I MUST BE FIRSTTTTTTTT" face and totally ignored us and even tried to dodge the powder zzz. Then he totally ruined me and Kelly's (the girl who knew no one else too haha) mood. Fortunately, the crowd slowly built up and we were getting more excited and into the mood and just cheering for everyone else.

Now let me proceed to complain about the dude I mentioned just now, the one who got sent to our side. He was so annoying because we were told to throw sparingly because the powder was running out at a super fast rate but he ignored and he grabbed a whole basket for himself and just dumped a whole handful. AND WHEN I TURNED AROUND, I HAD NO BUCKET LEFT. At the end of the first half of the race, I was the only volunteer without a bucket of powder to splash at people. Totally defeating the purpose of the race because they had not enough powder plus the guy stole my bucket. I had to pathetically scrape the ground and dump at people. There were many people approaching me to ask for powder and I could only look at them apologetically and told them that there were none left. Also, we were not allowed to give runners powder if they ask for it due to the lack of powder, and the guy kept giving away a lot. I mean you can give a little bit but he gave a lot and he poured powder over this poor kid and the poor kid was like trying to shun away from him. Kelly told him not to give so much but he totally ignored haha then the 2 of us just kept complaining about him among ourselves. Anyway, it was quite fun because the entire air around us was just covered with red smoke and many runners were rolling on the ground to get more colour on themselves and it was sure amusing.

Saw Wendy and Simon and I was so elated haha!! I don't have photos with Wendy because it's in her phone. She was rolling on the ground with simon and I helped them to took an instavideo. A group of guys wanted to roll with them too haha gosh this part is too funny. The guy told Wendy to roll together and then when I said 1 2 3, the guy didn't roll and Wendy was left rolling alone HAHAHA JOKE then all of them just laughed!! Another guy from the opposite side was so nice because he saw me without any powder so he gave me a bucket and told me to use sparingly (he should tell that to the annoying guy). So, to prevent the annoying guy from stealing my powder (he stole my bucket many many times. every time I refill and turn around, my bucket would be gone zzz), I used another empty bucket and covered my full bucket.

A while later, I saw Bern and Wenxin. HAHA SEXY WENXIN IN HER WHITE BLOUSE. They asked if I had powder so I brought them to me secret stash of powder MUAHAHAH and showed them that I HAD THE MOST POWDER IN THE WHOLE GROUP WOOHOOOOO then I smeared powder on them haha. When the guy ran out of powder, I just told him oh yeah so sad no more powder WHEN I ACTUALLY HAD A WHOLE BUCKET HIDDEN BEHIND ME HAHAHA SELFISH GIRL HERE. I shared my powder with the girls though. pffft they told us to ration the powder then in the end they had 3 4 boxes left. CRAZY.

It was a fun time though because I've never seen Singaporeans so enthusiastic and going all out like wearing costumes such as afro wigs, bunny ears, tutu skirts, high coloured socks and many other funky costumes. They're doing all these for the happiest 5k and I really see everyone having fun haha!! Especially seeing a crowd rolling on the ground or just sitting on the floor because they don't want the race to end. After a long while, the last runners (a group of girls) finally arrived at the red zone and they were so unwilling to leave so they were rolling and taking pictures. The guy driving the cart behind them had to wait damn long and kept telling them,"EH LAST RUNNERS EVERYONE WAITING FOR YOU ALL. MOVE ON MOVE ON. DON'T STAY HERE." haha but they ignored him and continue sitting there so he had to drive and scare them so they would return to the end point. Had a fun fun night!! It's seriously a once in a lifetime experience.

At the end of it all:




Went to look for Doreen and played at the photo booth.

Went to vivo for dinner with Bern Doreen and Wenxin because the queue for our free dinner was expected to take one hour SIAO. Rushed back with Wenxin coz she had to move in to hostel for the first time haha!! We were all red like crabs next day. Unexpectedly, Kar Enn was redder than me despite me being in the red zone and she was just a participant. Guess she really rolled too much HAHAHA.


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