Wednesday, December 11, 2013

graduation 2013.

So time flies seriously. I can't believe that I studied in RV for 6 years. Graduation was exciting and yet sad as it reminded as that we were going to be embarking on our mission to mug for A levels and also reminded us that we would not be having lessons again and won't be spending time everyday with those schoolmates anymore. :( I actually really like going to school because of the fun times spent with my friends, meeting new people and those super caring and hilarious teachers. The only bad part is the endless assignments and projects and exams. BOO.

With Ms Lu, our chem teacher of 2 years!! Hahaha despite being blur, she's still very nice to us and always give up her break times for consultation sessions. Her consultation slots are always FULLY BOOKED.

With Mr Mark our good form teacher of 2 years!! Haha Mr Mark blended in so well with all of us in this picture. I'm guilty of being so evil to him during PW period. It was during this year that we learnt to appreciate him HAHA oops. It's never too late to discover the good in him anyway haha. He's super nice because he spent to much money in preparing graduation gifts for us!! Super love the teddy bear.

Graduation ceremony in the hall was kind of fun haha I really enjoyed listening to all those speeches by the chairpersons, especially Joey and Ashley's!! I love all the puns haha and I had to control my laughter while walking up the stage. Mr Mark totally burst out laughing while shaking my hand. Oh and of course we can't forget Jon Ong's MJ-inspired walk up the stage and the spin he did plus the salute HAHA. My mum messaged me afterwards and asked me if Jon Ong was ok and did he go mad from studying LOL. It was sad after the ceremony because I realised that there were so many people whom I won't probably ever see again because we're merely acquaintances or whatsoever and I saw people crying and I almost cried. I had to escape before my tears fell LOL. After that, it was just a whole frenzy of searching for people everywhere to take pictures together with and deliver letters to.

2J reunites with our favourite Mdm Tia. It was such a nostalgic moment as everyone recalled the days when Mdm Tia used to scold all the Qing1 Jie2 Ban1 Zhang3 i.e. Kelvin/kimhuay(jinghua)/yiming hahaha. And we tried to find Mrs Look our discipline mistress and the english teacher who taught us that we can look up for inspiration, look down in desperation but not to look left and right for information (wise words for surviving in school haha) but she wasn't free.

Another pic with 2J!!

With my favourite girls :*

With my favourite kettle. This stupid girl just wouldn't stop laughing whenever she thinks of the stupid embarrassing story of what happened during history tutorial. The one where I pretended to pull a string to pull Mr mezz over to our table LOL. Idiot leh she laughed until she squatted on the ground. Love to go shopping with her and hunting for good food because the two of us just love to act stupid and play with all those goofy sunglasses and stalking hot angmohs.

With my GM muzhu toh jia qi!! HAHAHA She always tsks whenever I scream muzhu HAHA I MISS HER SO MUCH. Days when she, rae me and wendy were part of the MUTTONS for lang arts haha.

With fatimah tan weining aka qianbian girl 1995 haha!! She complained because she didn't look good in the photo. Hahaha I will forever tease her using the hon love love thingy and I must make it a habit to frequently message her or she will confirm mix our contacts up because our contact names are all permutations of "hon"s and "love"s.

Picture with 4H and our favourite Ms Cheng and Mr Xiong!! Ms Cheng is getting married next year ahhh how exciting!! Too bad she and Mr Xiong are not together haha can never forget Ms Cheng's April's Fools prank. I'm also grateful towards Mr Xiong for forcing me/us to go for those compulsory after school chemistry remedial sessions with him after our horrendous results in CA2 to prepare us for EOY, allowing me to get a B for chemistry haha. I'm also grateful that he still remembers my name and he asked me how I was coping with chem after prelims and I was like HORRIBLEEEEE. Hahaha my fellow jaywalker!!

With some of the 4H girls!! :)


With 6J!! Haha I like this class because I got to make so many friends and it's such a comfortable class to be in because most of the people are from 4H yay haha. Lessons are hilarious at times when people ask funny questions despite us being one of the most unresponsive classes ever. I hope we'll still keep in touch, although we all know who will be the usual few that will appear for class chalet/outing.

With fedrahhh and Ms Lu!! Really like this photo of us haha!! me and freda were walking around randomly then Ms Lu suddenly grabbed us for a picture. Oh and she was busy looking for Jon Ong to take photo of because of his famous MJ walk during the ceremony.

With Timothy my good friend!! He's my ideal brother seriously. Occasional study sessions with him in the library are so hilarious and especially our lunch breaks in the hostel canteen or hanging out to drink milo after studying. I'm touched when he gave me a birthday present.

With Shenjingjing!! Haha super cute picture. Actually I got to know her in year1 because of xuxi and I always know her as "xuxi's friend". Really really love her voice ar she's so talented.

With Mengping!! She's like the sha3 da4 jie3 haha so cute. She told me to give a saikang face because the two of us are the ones doing the random saikang shit in PW but I've no idea what's a saikang face LOL. PW sessions with her are super fun because she's super on task and she makes me feel obliged to make sure that I'm on task too. Plus I know that I can always count on her haha she always has this Plan B. I remember the night when we were so pissed and stuck in the canteen and shifting spots around the school and she kept telling me to calm down haha and the two of us started gossiping. I will definitely miss her!! I bet she's enjoying life eating her tomyum maggie now in Thailand now haha.

With Zixian!! hahaha aka best guy friend. We were discussing and wondering how on earth did we become such close friends. Amazing. This guy just feels awkward and unnatural smiling to a camera, hence I looked so stupid smiling alone. thanks LOL. Really grateful to have met such a sweet friend haha. Hahaha it's an achievement unlocked for making me less awkward.

YAYYY WITH JOSEPH!! Hahaha so glad that he was smiling in most of the photos that day!! :) Achievement unlocked for taking a solo picture with him!! Mr Best Smile!! :) Thanks for always offering us chocolates and being so on for history consultations and bridging the awkwardness between us and mr mezz haha.

With JAMMMM MEEEEE!! I will definitely miss her haha. I will remember the times when she, sy and lh came my house and we made the agreement of keeping our conversation within the 4 of us (the 4 walls haha) and couldn't stop laughing at what liuhan said!! And she's super good at baking haha I remember I just stared at her while we prepared Doreen's present. Jiayou!!

With my Ally Shuying!! Haha this girl is just so freaking hilarious I love to see how she argues with Liuhan because the two of them just makes a hilarious duo!! She's the only one who can go against Liuhan. I will remember to stuff her mouth if she starts spouting her inner evil thoughts out when she's drunk haha.

With my favourite gigotute xiaobei liuhan!! :) Haha so thankful for having her in my life because she's just so trustable and always going crazy with me and making me laugh like siao. So thankful that we were tablemates in 4H and became really close good friends after that. She has an amazing voice seriously. Love you!!

WIth my favourite xinge jiejie!! Sian I will miss her so much now that she's back in China :( Haha it's quite sad that we only became close at the end of sec4. She's such a hilarious and fun person and she's like this big sister who will take care of me. And we both love fangirling over george and always competing to take pics with him haha.

Picture with Haneeeeee!! Hahaha crazy days where she, me, yf, vc and joelle will go to macs for dinner and talk about crazy stuff and playing with our food. Oh and she used to always introduce me nice songs and days when we bluetooth songs to each other haha. We're really old now. I will remember how she always call my name as "salah" in that accent ahha.

With the pretty choir girls!! I really need to keep in touch with the choir people. I feel like I've drifted away from them the most. Like in private they got keep in touch and stuff but I don't keep in contact with them especially during the exam period since they're mostly in same class and study together but I don't :(

Kind of having some regrets that day because there are still loads of people whom I've yet to taken pictures with!! :( Well ok CONGRATULATIONS FOR ENDURING THIS SUPER LENGTHY POST. YOU'RE FINALLY AT THE END OF THE POST. I love all of the friends I've made from sec1 to year6. Thank you all of you for being a part of my life!! 

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