Thursday, February 27, 2014

chefs and assistants.

So Chloe randomly asked me yesterday if I wanted to meet since she was on half-day today, then somehow she decided to go back to school to visit Mr Mark instead, so we asked the rest of the 6J girls/guys then we went back to school today.

Mr Mark was very nice and all and he couldn't stop laughing at Joseph's shirt which states "HA. HA. HA." haha oh the irony coz Joseph doesn't laugh like that haha. Cool shirt though. After some gossiping, they somehow they decided to come to my house to cook. I was damn nervous at first coz as everyone knows, I am totally helpless and clueless in a kitchen, plus I don't know where my mum keeps all her stuff, or what my stuff has/does not have, and my mum hates it when I keep calling her to ask.

Anyway, yeah they just decided to come my house to cook. I was quite sian at first because they kept asking me questions about my kitchen and with each question unanswered, I just felt more and more lousy at myself. So I just kept quiet and let the guys (joseph and zx) do their magic in the kitchen while I retreated to the room to just wallow in self-despair LOL. I was seriously getting more and more depressed by the seconds.

But Joseph and zx really damn zai lah make me feel so inferior. Even my dad was impressed since they could cook and I couldn't. So my dad is forcing me to learn how to cook this weekend HAHA. Oh well. So being girls, me, chloe and freda just took pics while the guys cooked. Ok lah freda got help with the broccoli and the only thing that I could help was to start the stove's fire LOL how pathetic. But at least I knew how to start it lah hor. Self-consolation HAHA.

I was just kind of sian diao because they were arguing over the food stuff and mainly it's because my house everything also don't have, or because my family is just weird in the way we handle our food like mincing the garlic and keeping them in the fridge and they were arguing over the freshness, or they'll argue over the stupid broccoli. All things would be fine if we didn't buy the broccoli LOL. But yeah I was feeling quite upset but not bad I managed to keep my cool all thanks to Chloe who helped to stand up for me LOL really freaking proud of my toleration skills. I've come to accept the fact that I'm really lacking common sense, and it isn't too late for people to realise how dumb I am now LOL.

Oh well anyway the food tasted good and we had a fun time. I had a fun time pondering too and just felt even more upset now and I've no idea why I'm feeling so sad haiz haha but blogging everything makes me feel better. Bye guys.


  1. Sarah you are not alone we can compete next time to see who's worse in the kitchen ;) I'm not even kidding HAHA. I hope you are feeling better now tho muack

  2. @clairautumne: Haha thank you Junhui!! I'm feeling so much better now. I don't even know why I was feeling so lousy that day. Haha we need to brush up on our kitchen skills.
