Friday, February 28, 2014

dorah the explorers I.

Doreen took leave today so she asked me if I wanted to go out. We wanted to go to USS after seeing VC's instagram but it was too late so we decided to go to Holland Village instead. I reached early because I left home with Rae after teaching her piano. Loitered at old chang kee for a bit then I went to explore. It was so bloody hot LOL CAN SINGAPORE SNOW NOW??

Went to Island creamery and I ordered two scoops because I only ate mushroom puff for lunch HAHA. Bought burnt caramel and chocolate peanut butter. OMG PEANUT BUTTER LOVERS MUST TRY THIS, although you'll get sick of it after a while. Kind of regretted two scoops after that coz I felt like a glutton and I sort of lost my appetite.

Satisfied girls.

Then we went to walk around, looking for cafes that are hiring haha but we found none :( Oh and since we were at holland v, we decided to sing the holland v theme song NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA (cues mediacorp's he lan cun's theme song. love that show.).

We stopped at Plain Vanilla and this girl bought 2 cupcakes for me because she got her pay omg too nice already. I'm really damn touched my gosh and embarrassed at myself for being a sloth and not receiving any income to treat my friends. Anyway, it's my first time trying pv cupcakes and I guess the hype for their cupcakes are over le, judging from the much fewer photos on instagram.

After a while, we decided to go Sushi Tei to find Freda since she had a shift today. I had my early dinner (shoyu ramen) at 5pm and Doreen ordered some matcha dessert since she had dinner at home. Something freaking funny happened when she was eating the dessert haha coz one piece of the mochi ice-cream thingy (??) jumped up then she used her hand to grab it and she was like squealing away and the piece of mochi thingy just kept bouncing on her palm while she was catching it. The whole scenario was damn funny I was laughing like siao, but she managed to catch it in the end LOL not bad. But her whole palm was filled with green power HAHA. SHREK DOREEN.

We chatted with Freda while she was working and it was quite fun lah. Kept telling her, "WE REPORT TO MANAGER AR HAHA." Officially her worst customers ever LOL. Oh and had a fun time HTHT-ing with Doreen. I really like to HTHT with people.

Wow what an eventful day. Visited 3 places to get food. Here's a toast to more DORAH THE EXPLORERS ADVENTURES. Oh anyway we are dorah because doreen + sarah = dorah HAHA DING DING DING.

While it was an eventful day, I felt shitty after coming home. I was bathing and having a reflection of my life. Bathrooms are always great places of inspiration and reflection seriously haha. Anyway, I felt like crap. I kept asking myself what did I do to deserve some of my precious friends. People like Doreen, Wendy and Liuhan (clique + some of the 4H and 6J girls) are my greatest pillars of strength. They're always so giving, and I'm like thinking what on earth did I do to deserve them. I can never repay them for things that they've done for me. Just listening to me rant and freak out, forever treating me stuff and being patient towards me. And yet, I've never done a single thing for them. Wow I'm really such a lousy friend.

I apologise for being such an inconsiderate freak. I'm really sorry for being a bitch to some people out there. It's too late to apologise as quoted from One Republic and I know no apology can suffice to the hurt I've brought about. I'm guilty as shit. Here's another night that I wish things would be better.

Thank you for reading this space. I'm just feeling very depressed these days.  

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