Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A snotty trip part 2.

WOW finally talking about the second day of Prague trip that happened 2 years ago LOL. Need to write down (or rather, type) everything before I really forget about the events.

LOL part 1 is HERE.

Our first meal in Dresden after landing and travelling for hours on the coach. We thought those were hotdogs but it turned out to be potatoes. Not bad, but food was too oily for our liking.

Interesting custard dessert in wafer biscuit. Only the white part tasted good.

It was snowing outside after dinner and we were all so excited and desperately asking leaves_yang (LOL) to help us take photos of us and the snow since he had his DSLR. Only the DSLR had the ability to capture those minuscule snowflakes.

Finally went back to hotel to check in and sleep. Everybody was rushing to our room because only my smart roommate ekhwee brought a kettle HAHA and I had to stay awake the boil water for all the juniors for them to drink and cook their maggie. Best senior award goes to me please. LOL like they even know I exist.

Woke up early for PT the next day and we had a wonderful hearty breakfast and rehearsal. Then it was finally time for our tour around Dresden!! We saw super cool graffiti art around their walls. LIKE SERIOUSLY COOL.

I have this weird obsession with super cool lampposts so me and the sops were laughing over this crazy fetish and expanding my collection of lampposts photos by snapping whatever random lamppost we can find. They were being very nice and kept notifying me whenever they saw a lamppost HAHA.

LOOK AT THE FREAKING SNOW MY GOSH I LOVE IT SO MUCH. We heard a funny story about the dudes from another choir from Singapore (to be shared in future posts) and it was so hilarious haha.

Went to Bach museum after that and walked around his house and found his old manuscripts and stuff haha freaking cool. OH YEAH HEY MR BACH WHAT YA LOOKING AT SHARE WITH ME SHARE WITH ME.

Left our names behind in the guest book in the museum. SO COOL HAHA maybe next time I can go back to Dresden and try to find my name there again. After that, everyone ran out of the museum because it was snowing again and people were all trying to take pics of the snow with this huge giant christmas tree outside. HAHAHA poor leaves_yang needed to help people take so many pics and nobody helped him to take.

Look at the pretty snowflakes on Gina's coat wow.

Oh and we got to go to Dresden's Christmas night market and it was so fun!! It was so festive we got to carol at the night market WHEN IT WAS SNOWING MY GOSH IT WAS SO MAGICAL, Our scores were all wet with snow and since we were wearing gloves, it was impossible to flip the pages haha. It was so fun I want to carol in the snow again!!

Oh but this was the night that we got scolded by the teachers for because we didn't know we had to go off in groups, so obviously we would choose to stick with people whom we're comfortable with and the teachers were freaking unhappy and sort of hinted that we seniors were irresponsible in leaving our juniors running around. I was damn scared because the teachers made me the leader of the group and I've no idea why they made me the leader and why not make chow the leader since she's better and the juniors would definitely listen to her.

And some unfortunate thing happened : ekhwee fell on the snow and her already injured leg became worse, hence the teachers were even more pissed I guess. And somehow I felt really guilty and responsible for her fall even though she wasn't with me, but still, she's my buddy and roommate and I had responsibility over her welfare. And I think by this point, the teachers were all tutting at me and my lack of responsibility. Every single day they would come and ask me where is ekhwee, why I wasn't with her, and even Ms Tham had to come and ask me AND I FELT SO ASHAMED. So the teachers made sure that wherever we went, we MUST travel in groups. Somehow, I almost laughed out whenever Frankie tried to scold us because please he really can't scold people with that voice of his and his attempts to act sarcastic were just too hilarious.

A tensed dinner at some restaurant near the christmas market because of the scoldings and unfortunate accident.

"Sure on this shining night of star made shadows round, kindness must watch for me this side the ground. The late year lies down the north, all is healed, all is health. High summer holds the earth. Hearts all whole. Sure on this shining night I weep for wonder wand'ring far alone, of shadows on the stars." - James Agee

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