Thursday, May 23, 2019

a patronising update of sorts.

There will always be some good days, and some bad days. Some days I feel so at peace with myself, and some days, I feel like I'm against the world.

So many things have happened since I last posted:

- My dad started a course at poly. I know right?? At such an old age, he still wants to learn. I would applaud him for his learning spirit, but it's at such a wrong time.

- My mum resigned, retired, and after a mere 3 weeks, she went back into the workforce. The main reason is that she feels a strong sense of financial security. I too, feel that way, but I know that she has worked and earned enough for her to enjoy her life, but she 放不下. LOL look at the contrast in attitudes of my parents. One loves to work, and one is too lazy to work, and retired for 15 years.

- In the mere 3 weeks she wasn't working, I felt really suffocated. She was at home all the time, and I couldn't have my own space. I should be glad she's home. I am, I appreciate her presence, but I wish she gave me some space sometimes. Mum's REALLY dependent on me (woes of being the only child), and she NEEDS to do things with someone.

- I took leave for the first time ever since I started working. It was for a pretty lame reason, in fact. Went to JB with my mum LOL. We could have done it on a weekend, but the weekday crowd is much less, and I just really needed a break from work.

- Went for bounce and riding class with Van and it's SO FUN. So tiring though. We were always wobbling our way down the stairs HAHAH.

- I got a new colleague. All's fine though!! We can get along well!!

- Have been stuffing my face into books lately. Reading is such a joy!! Except that my progress is VERY SLOW because it's so tiring to read while commuting. P.S. Have started a new blog for reviews but nothing concrete is up yet, so we'll see how it goes.

- Have been super into embroidery/sewing too.

- In recent news, I got a pay increment, which certainly came at a good time!! It might help to offset some of the financial strain with my mum's new job.

Things seem to be at a good place for now, I hope. Also, really needing some alone-time after all the social activities this week.

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