Tuesday, April 12, 2022

100 days into 2022.

It's a little past 100 days into 2022, but time really flies! I've been really busy at work, but I can't complain because of my relatively good work-life balance as compared to my peers. But it's really busy for us. There are a lot of changes and all of us are taking on more tasks. This comes with years of working, so you are expected to know more, and be able to do more.

Usually, our quarter-end is busy, but this quarter-end was exceptionally busy because there were last minute items that left us scrambling. Right after we completed quarter-end, the government announced the easing of restrictions, and we immediately went to book a restaurant to treat ourselves (with our own money, not the company's expense sadly) because we think we deserve a treat for working this hard HAHAHA. 

I don't usually meet my colleagues out of work because most of them are married and some have kids, so family comes first. But this time, the younger ones just met up.

We had dinner at feather blade, and honestly, the food quality has dropped a lot from the last time we ate (we ate some time back in 2019 or early 2020 pre-covid).  

We got steak (I prefer their gyudon). The meat was a bit dry and tough, compared to the last time we ate. (this was medium rare). And we had to reserve almost 2 weeks beforehand, and they require you to put your credit card details as deposit, or else there will be a $30 charge each diner for no-show. 

One of our friend couldn't make it on the day itself, and they made us provide evidence for the reason that she couldn't make it because they have a policy that we will charge $30++ equivalent for the customer not turning up, which is pretty ridiculous I feel. Not like they are some 5-star michelin restaurant so I am not sure what they losing out even. Even my boss wouldn't demand us for evidence of the reason for our urgent leave. Pretty micromanaging for a restaurant I feel. I don't know, but this left a bad taste in my mouth.

Anyway we left for drinks after that and everywhere was damn crowded, thanks to the resumption of businesses for nightlife establishments. We walked for 30 mins before finding a table. And we stayed there and chitchatted till 11ish. I was so tired that I dozed off in the train and overshot to Jookoon LOL. And there was no last train back home, so I had to grab and it was pretty scary coz Jookoon is pretty ulu. And the dad was pretty pissed off and kept going on and on, on the phone: HOW CAN YOU OVERSLEEP? I TOLD YOU MANY TIMES NOT TO SLEEP ON THE TRAIN. WHY YOU SO CARELESS. 


HAHAHAHAHA. What an eventful night :') But I guess the body is still not used to staying out late. The homebody in me needs time to adapt. 

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