Wednesday, February 5, 2025

brain fart 777.

Taking a commercial break from work this lunch to drop in to say that I had a brain fart moment at work yesterday. 

Due to the nature of my work involving a lot of keying in of numbers, I had all along be using an external wireless number keypad. As we were having a full day of meetings with external parties in one of our meeting rooms yesterday, I had brought down my keypad in case I had key in some figures. I had brought a tote to dump my bottle, my keypad, my bank tokens, snacks to get through the day etc. and headed to the meeting room.

Halfway through the meeting, I realised my keyboard kept typing 777777777 on its own. REPEATEDLY. It would continuously type 7, and stop typing, and then type 7 again. 

This was the image screenshot that I had snipped to show my colleagues and IT. 

During the meeting, I even googled "why does my laptop keep typing 777777 on its own" and there are even threads on microsoft helpdesk with people asking the same questions, so I thought it was a real issue or something wrong with my motherboard ok. 

My IT even told me that it could be dust trapped below the keyboard and he helped me to deep cleanse my laptop because it was so filthy from the dust HAHAHAHAHAH. And then he asked me if I am using an external keypad, then I said oh yes, then I showed him my keypad. Then hs said, plug it out, maybe this keypad has issue too. And he helped me to clean it.

After he said that, A LIGHTBULB APPEARED ABOVE MY HEAD. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF IT? REMEMBER THAT I HAD BROUGHT A TOTE DOWN FOR THE MEETING? I was actually leaning on the bag the whole time, and it could have been my fat ass that was pressing against the keypad and pressing 7 repeatedly. FML.

True enough, after I realised this and repositioned my keypad, the number 7 stopped appearing...

What a brain fart moment. 

I was too embarrassed to confess my mistake to my IT and my colleagues and all I can do is blame it on a glitch on my laptop.

This shall be my dirty little secret between me and you, reader(s). 

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