Saturday, December 31, 2016

The last page of 2016.

Last day of 2016 and it's going to be the most boring countdown ever!! I'm stuck at my grandma's house so it's going to be just another saturday LOL. Recap of the year!!

1. I entered Y2S2 in January.

2. Jamie's birthday party was damn fun!! It was a onesie party and we got to play dress up HAHA.

3. Met up with the choir girls OMG SHOCKING HAHA. We actually met up a lot of times this year!! We had this RVibe photoshoot LOL.

4. Joined a CG in church.

5. Discovered a place in JP's Japan food street that sells awesome matcha soft serve, but sadly, they shifted out after 2 months.

It was only $1.50 WTH.

6. I joined zumba for the first time ever with Joey!! It was very fun and I looked forward to it every Saturday!! Our instructor is damn hot omg her body her abs GOALS.


7. Did manicure for the first time ever!! It was expensive but I really loved the design that the lady did for me!! I requested for some galaxy thingy and showed her the design and she made it so beautiful!! But it's damn boring to be seated for hours while she painted my nails and she didn't even bother making conversation with me sobz.

8. Tried soi55.

9. Met Timo for the first time ever after we left RV 3 years ago!!

10. Went to sing K with some of the camp people for the first time and it was an eye-opener!! They all can sing very well, especially Justin!! Justin + Lucas = JOKE. ZAI GEI WO LIANG FEN ZHONG~ And zhihao rapped freaking well??!! Like see him quiet quiet like that, then when he had the mic, he rapped like DAMN WELL.

11. Went out with the CG for the first time. Josh organised it and HE WAS LATE HAHA FREAK. We joked that he was late because he spent a long time in the toilet styling his hair HAHAHA.

Mindcafe!! And we played cards against humanity HAHAHA OH THE IRONY.

/ok freak I can feel my temperature rising/.

/ok sorry for the interruption!! It just turned 12am a few minutes ago so I was wishing everyone happy new year omg I AM SO HAPPY SOMEHOW. LIKE NEW YEAR SO WHAT?? BUT I DAMN HAPPY. LIKE FULL OF HOPE AND OPTIMISM!!!!!!!!! I AM REALLY SO HAPPY OMG. I went into the rooms to scream happy new year but everyone was asleep so I had to leave the rooms LOL and I proceeded to call others and wished damn a happy new year HAHAHA./

12. Became a cheapo and liked a Facebook page just for free ice-cream with Vivan after our accounting lecture HAHHAA.

13. Forced my parents to go to GBTB's sakura exhibition with me HAHA. I didn't have school on that day, so I was damn stoked to go there!!

Is it I part of the exhibition also?? KIDDING HAHA.

14. Sometime in April/March, 6J met up at LH's house for steamboat!! AND JOSEPH'S BROWNIES WOOHOOOOOO.

15. Had stomach flu and ended up puking for 5 times consecutively!! First time puking in MANY MANY YEARS. Since primary school I think. Read more here LOL.

16. Planned a surprise birthday party for le BFF wendy!! (I haven't blogged about it omg so lazy).

Machiam my birthday like that HAHA. It's because I don't have the solo pic I took with Wendy!! It's with her photographer friend.

Sorry for bad quality photo but this was the only photo I managed to capture of my bff :') Ok actually I didn't tell this to anyone but I actually teared during the revelation when we dragged her into the room blindfolded, and when she took off the mask and everyone was singing happy birthday song to her, I got very emotional somehow and teared because I was so proud of her. She's the most selfless person I know and she's just always so sacrificial and putting others before her. She deserves all the good things in life. I love you so much!! Thanks for being one of my greatest support my dear girl :')

17. Welfare bags packing with Do and Jus right after Wendy's surprise party HAHA.


RACHEL NOT HERE because she was sick!!

19. The day we tried Mentaiko pasta (man... tai cold le according to xuxi HAHA). I think it was one day after our last paper only, and we were summoned back to school the next day by Jus for comm meeting LOL. I was also very upset that day because of certain stuff, and went around Muji stamping a book that I bought, which is currently my diary.

20. Caught Civil War with Joey and OH GOSH we fangirled SO BADLY HAHA. I LOVE.

21. My grandma turned 90 this year!! (I might have mentioned in last year's recap that she turned 90. That was her Chinese birthday. She's officially 90 this year.)

22. I think I caught Civil War AGAIN HAHA.

23. Sent Weining off for summer exchange!! And her parents were damn nice to treat us to eat freaking SOUP RESTAURANT. OMG soup restaurant is damn nice because I love their chicken a lot but omg they were so nice :')

24. Baking session with Liuhan HAHAH. Our cookies look like ABSOLUTELY DEATH but they are delicious ok!! (Family and friends aka Shuying HAHAH have said so).

Look at how stale and unpleasant they were HAHAHA.

25. Also, she became the first passenger friend in my car after our baking session HAHA.

26. Camp registration!! It was the official start of my responsibilities LOL. I was "introduced" to this girl called Xinyun HAHAHA and had to liaise with her for many stuff, like how to issue receipts, where to keep the money, how to go about giving the money to her etc. It was through this that I became very familiar with Xinyun's drawer in the clubroom HAHA.

Look at the picture I painstakingly edited HAHA.

27. Do and I then had the most intense Skype session ever and it was HELL. I still feel scared when I think of it.

28. I cooked cold soba for the first time!! It's pretty easy actually!! Except that I somehow set the noodles on fire LOL.

29. Pre-pre camp occurred someone in Early June. It was memorable. It introduced me to the world of supper at almaan's and kampong fried rice. I LOVE.

Also, my hair was at its longest at this point of my life.

30. Sleepover session with my GYMNASTS at LH's old house!! Was pretty zonked out at night because I went there immediately after pre-camp ended.

31. Hillary's graduation exhibition!! Unfortunately, she wasn't there when I was there.

Look at the pamphlet she designed!! My friend is a design student in NUS and she's very creative!!

32. GOT MY HAIR CUT AND DYED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE AHHHH!! Have always wanted to do it but no balls. But then decided to YOLO, and only told my mum I dyed my hair after I had dyed it HAHA.


33. Precamp!!

ASS HAHAHA. Precamp made us form the mahjong party gang. I love these girls HAHA never thought I'd be able to click with them, BUT WE DID!! We played bridge all day, until we downloaded a bridge app to play which failed miserably HAHA.

34. A healthier moment with my Gymnasts as we played badminton HAHA IT WAS SO FUNNY. We even had team cheers and team slogans HAHA. FEEL CHOK CROSS. And LH and Joey's was some gross dance that they both kicked their legs backwards HAHAHA I swear I flopped onto the group a few times that night because it was all too funny.

35. Learnt first aid for the first time from Keven!! It was pretty interesting but I've now forgotten EVERYTHING OOPS SORRY.

36. Actual camp itself!! It was so memorable. We laughed together, and cried together due to some unfortunate circumstance. I am super embarrassed because it's the first time I felt like an utter mess in front of strangers wth in a total sobbing mess. Very grateful for choonz and germz who came up to my room to check on me that night because poor Doreen still had a meeting going on after a very emotional night. We've worked so hard for 6 months, and yet our efforts were not seen/appreciated and fingers were pointed at one another cough cough and it was such a mess in the end and I feel like everyone deserve a proper closure. I thank Doreen for asking me to join the comm even though I was very unsure initially. I thank Justin for giving me a chance even though I had 0 experience. I thank Do, Choonz, Germz and Pearlz for embracing my flaws and accepting whoever I am and being such great friends. I thank Zai for teaching me SO MUCH. REALLY. I feel like Zai has the most experience, be it in life, camp, school, work or anything. I'm very thankful he's so willing to share and teach, and yet always so playful and fun to be with. I thank F, D and L for being nice guys even though I'm damn intimidated of them LOL. I can't believe D actually sent me such a sweet message after camp ended. I thank Jocelyn and WQ and rach for being such marketing people, especially Joce. She's like this little sister, except that she's 21 also HAHA. WQ also introduced Choonz and I to our current favourite bubble tea order from Gongcha - GREEN MILK TEA + WHITE PEARL JELLY. IT'S DAMN GOOD GO TRY!!

37. And because of camp, we went to club at zouk for social night, and this was my second time at zouk/club. It was a hell crazy night and there were some hiccups but it was fun. It's also my first time at club with Do too HAHAHA. I mean, technically we went to club together as a freshie during camp but we were stuck with our own OG's and never saw each other the entire night. I've never drank so much in my life before LOL - graveyard, tequila. I only remember these two drinks. But still, this is not my scene HAHA. It's still fun though.

38. Camp ended with me having a high fire due to sore throat and cough. I suspected that I had spread the germs to my friends like Germz (HAHA PUN UNINTENDED), Choonz and even Do. We were all sick after that. As the night of camp ended, we went for dinner, and the girls told me something that Jus said to them about what other o'comm said of us, and it got me really upset and Jus also said something during dinner and it also got me even more upset. HAHA. Anyway, yeah I was sick, and I went home to rest, then like a couple of hours later, I had to wake up to go to JB for a staycation with my family LOL. It was supposed to be 3D2N but I insisted on going home the next day because of Doreen's birthday, and my dad accompanied me home. I had no recollection of what happened in JB because I had a really bad fever, and I was in bed the entire time or I was drowsy. I didn't even shower HAHAHA. But at night I was feeling better and the whole fam went for thai massage a this really good place and IT'S SO SHIOK!!

39. Doreen's birthday party!!

40. First time at Geylang Bazaar with my friends and Joe came to surprise Doreen!!

41. Weining's birthday party at some hotel in Sentosa OMG SO GORGEOUS.

42. My birthday surprise staycay (in July HAHAHAHA) organised by Wendy + 2J girls omg. I was so shocked and filled with love. We had the craziest K session all because of ahmeng HAHAH she wore this stupid parrot onesie out on the streets HAHAHA and people were staring. We were all damn high and laughing like siao in K because SO FUNNY and we kept imitating the shagballs pose LOL. Also, played King's cup for the first time and we were so high and kept giggling.

This is us HAHA. Weining couldn't come :( Anyway this is a story for another day so I shall update this another time!!

43. Art science museum exhibition with Doreen!! We always like to act step HAHA.

44. First time going to Timbre+ after the exhibition!! And we saw zai and his gf!! WHAT FATE!! And we were damn happy because first time seeing one another after camp ended!!

45. Of the first goodbye - sent Bern off for her exchange!!

46. Got my specs made!! First pair of new specs since JC1 I think.

47. Another surprise birthday party that Henry organised for zx in July.

48. I got my haircut at the shortest length I've ever had in my life on 17 July!! It wasn't my intention. I told my cousin to trim a couple of inches. And somehow she went ballistic and started snipping a lot HAHAHA and I got a shock when I saw my hair at my shoulders omg. I wanted to cry so badly but then I felt refreshed. Hehe people said I looked edgy and cool. It felt like there's a burden off me, both metaphorically and literally.

Taken 5 mins after haircut, smiling but actually a wreck inside HAHA. Thankful that Pearlz and Jus were the first to reply and said it was nice HAHA.

49. Crashed Ahmeng's staycay and went for Gina's performance. Also first time singing K with Doro and Chow and I was damn happy HAHA because so fun!! Doro and I were dancing to Backstreet Boys and rapping like siao HAHA.


51. Went for Junhui's concert again!! LOYAL SUPPORTER HERE HEHE. And we got to see her and Jack perform AHHHH!! GOALS. And there was this part Jack dashed up the audience's rows of seats, and LH and I were seated right smack at highest row in the middle, and we were damn scared he was running towards us and I think we were just like OMG OMG OMG NO NO NO JACK NO. HAHAHA.

52. Went to Artscience Museum with Gymnasts this time!! We went for 3 exhibitions I think. And I really quite enjoyed the one on the jewels one OMG I STILL REMEMBER SOME OF THE VIDEO WE WATCHED. I wish I was a jewelry designer HAHA.

This was my favourite photo HAHAHA look at this zombie LH HAHAHAHA.

53. 2016 was the year POKEMONGO CAME OUT!! I've long stopped playing. I've yet to catch a pikachu LOL but I HAVE A SNORLAX WOOHOO!! AND I CAUGHT IT AT JP!! OF ALL PLACES. SCORE.

54. Being tourists in Singapore for a day with Wendy HAHHAA it was so funny!! We went for dimsum at an atas restaurant and felt super pampered but yet the food was so good but affordable!! LOVE. It was our last trip together before she flew off!! :(


55. Saying goodbye to Wendy :( I'm surprised I did not cry HAHA. Ok I did tear a little when we all (ahmeng and doreen) went to say our last farewells to her but NO ONE SAW HAHA.

56. Because of this, I also went to changi airport's hello kitty cafe for the first time!! Good ambience.

57. And also because of this, it was my first time that I drove somewhere far other than to church or to my relatives' houses HAHAHA. I drove back from changi airport to my house, which was actually pretty easy because it was just one straight road HAHA. But it was quite a long journey and because it was a straight road, it got boring and made me very sleepy.

58. My birthday celebration with my family on the 20th!! Very grateful hehe. And I only invited Doreen because the celebration was at woodlands HAHA. And also, the room was damn small so I couldn't invite more. BUT I HAVE DECIDED. I WANT A BIRTHDAY PARTY HAAHAHA. I SHALL HOLD IT FOR MY 23RD BIRTHDAY. YOU KNOW WHY?? Because I'll be 23rd on the 23rd HAHAH and by then, most of us would have graduated and have more time to spend.

59. After my birthday celebration, we went for Singapore's Night Festival 2016 and Doreen and I jio-ed 6J last minute but only Joseph turned up HAHA. We also went for the Noise Festival before that, and I like their photography!! Joseph was such a gentleman the whole night!! He kept fanning us because it was damn crowded and hot!! SUCH A NICE GUY!! I even told him HEY JOSEPH YOU ARE MY FAN LEH (HAHA GET IT?? FEN4 SI1)!! Which he promptly rolled his eyes at me HAHAH.

60. GOT SURPRISED BY 6J ON MY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY!! I wasn't expecting anything this year, because it was always Wendy who was surprising me, (Doreen surprised me that time too HAHA), but then, THEY APPEARED!! I WAS DAMN SHOCKED. BECAUSE NOT ONLY THE GIRLS WERE HERE, THE GUYS WERE HERE TOO!! And I was caught at a very unglam moment, with my legs shaking away on the table LOL. Thank you so much everyone!! I know how inconvenient it is for you all and yet you all stayed till so late to talk to me!! THANKS I FEEL THE LOVE.

61. Saying goodbye to Joey when she went to Cambodia for her internship!! Lost my coffee bean buddy.

62. Went to a dog cafe for the first time!!

63. Joseph's birthday party!! I really enjoyed his party (best party to date I feel??) because of a very small group of people whom I was comfortable with HAHA. And we played games like the dog thing LOL, murderer with holding hands HAHA, inhaling helium and saying stupid stuff, watching Joseph and the guys play with the light sabre. IT WAS DAMN CHAOTIC WHILE TAKING PHOTOS. ALWAYS HAPPENS WHENEVER WITH 6J HAHA.

64. Of more farewells - sent zx off.

65. Visited a dragon kiln for the first time and had my first trial on the potter's wheel!!

66. Photoshoot with Doreen at Rochor centre HAHA (a story for another day).

67. Appreciation dinner!!

68. Made my first cup!!

Thanks JH for the photo HAHA.

69. Made new friends and survived German 3!! Even went baking at Frau Hoffmann's house.

70. JB trip with Mahjong Party!!

71. Extracted teeth for braces.

72. Went for my second marathon!! Stand chart marathon with LH!! 10KM wow!! AND GOT MEDAL WOOHOO. And I'm intending to join more next year and my dad asked me to jio him LOL.

73. Became a brace face!!

74. JB trip with Doreen!!

75. Taking a KTM from JB to Singapore for the first time with my aunts!!

In 2016, I've had many physical changes. Grew out hair to the longest length ever --> cut it shorter and dyed it for the first time --> cut it even shorter to shoulder length, the shortest it has ever been!! Got my specs made. Also, made braes. Happy with the changes though.

In 2016, I've also had many first times. First time doing zumba, manicure, CG, making a mug etc. I've stepped out of my comfort zone so many times this year *pats self on shoulder because it was hell of a ride*. Joining camp committee was one of the best decisions I've made in uni life, because I met a group of friends who are truly so nice and whom I can click with. Also, got roped into ahmeng's pottery thing, that I still have a love/hate relationship with. It made me learn many stuff, like having hands-on on the potter's wheel, dragon kiln, making a mug, glazing, joining a halloween thingy, and made many new friends like Regine, YY, JH, Michelle, Priya. The plans for this year seems more chill and fun and sort of looking forward to it. Stepping out of my comfort zone opens doors to opportunities, and forces me to learn and stop being stagnant. I like.

In 2016, I've learnt to stop seeking validation from others. I used to always be seeking for approval of others, and worry how others think of me, tipping toes around people and afraid that what I do will not please them because I am such a people-pleaser. I am still a people-pleaser, but I've learnt to speak up more on what I'm unhappy over, and becoming less of a pushover. I guess maybe this is why people may think I'm suddenly NOT NICE, because what I do is not pleasing to them, but at least, I am happy with my own decisions now. I guess I've had enough of shit from people and reached my maximum tolerance limit for negativity, and exploded LOL.

Haven't really set any goals for 2017, but I thank everyone for supporting and encouraging me in one way or another, and just for staying with me and not giving up on me. I hope to be a better version of me in 2017. 

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