Saturday, January 14, 2017

my braces journal: the 1st tightening.

It's been slightly over 1 month since I've had braces. I went for my first tightening yesterday.

Here's a picture to show my progress thus far:

LOL I don't have pics post-extraction so the top pic is taken on the day before extraction. Imagine the empty gaps. But see!! From that angle can see how crooked the bottom teeth were. It wasn't as obvious if you look at me from the frontal angle, but from top view, WOW. And look at the bottom comparison!! It's straight now!! NOT BAD.

Anyway, the process of the tightening HURTS LIKE HELL. The dentist applied loads of pressure onto my teeth to remove the wire and it freaking hurts!! My teeth became more sensitive after extraction and after braces (perhaps due to the pressure on the teeth), especially the bottom row, and it will ache when pressure is applied. During the process, A LOT of pressure was on my teeth and I kept wincing and at one point, I even went ARGH. Wah can cry one but I didn't HAHA coz shame shame. I't can't be helped because that's how you remove the wire and change the wire. I'm now on a slightly thicker wire.

When he first removed the wire, I was ELATED. It's like a brief 10 seconds of freedom and my teeth felt so light like post-braces. LIKE JENG JENG JENG I SEE THE LIGHT *___*. Then right after basking in the delight of feeling so light, the dentist lodged back a thicker wire and BONG BONG BONG I FELT THE HEAVY WEIGHT OF THE BRACES AGAIN. And yes, it was excruciating again when he applied pressure to fix the new wires crais.

And remember the dry socket thing I mentioned last time?? It's sort of giving me loads of problems after tightening. When I drink iced water, wow the pain will shoot through my teeth and my gums and it hurts so freaking badly!! It's like the sensation you get when you have sensitive teeth and drinking iced water, but 100x the pain level!! It hurt so badly until my head hurts too.

Ah but anyway my next appointment will be in a month and hopefully will have good progress!! I'm already developing new ulcer now LOL SO FAST. And now, I have neon pink brackets LOL. 

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