Tuesday, January 10, 2017

bird shit.

Last Wednesday, I was going out to meet a friend, and just when I arrived at Jurong Point, I had the most unfortunate incident of having a bird shit landing on my hair. It was so embarrassing because this group of girls behind me full out burst out laughing VERY LOUDLY at my misery. They didn't even bother snickering softly!! Dashed to the JP toilet and started rinsing with water and hand soap wth desperate measures.

But I guess this piece of shit was a premonition of all the shit that I'm going to face this year.

It's been only 10 days of 2017 (and 2 days of school) but life feels like hell already.

Firstly, MPE failed miserably. Then, bidding session failed as well because CORS screwed up, and they misled me to place an advanced bid for a module that has 0 vacancies wth screw you freaking CORS. Being a Year 3 student sucks because we are stuck between the juniors and the seniors. The freshies and the Year 2s have this special system, hence they are allowed more places for general education modules. The Year 4s also have priority in level 4000 modules, and by the time the round is available for us to bid, the modules are only left with single digit vacancies, and the seniors zham all their bid points (wth the minimum bid point was 3200+ and I only had 2000+ points). Hence, I could only take 1 level 4000 module this semester, and I'll have to take 4 level 4000 modules next sem and 3 level 4000 mods the sem after. I AM SO SCREWED.

This is the first semester that I have appealed THRICE, and got rejected, with excuses indicating that the module is filled (but CORS told me that there are still vacancies what is this), and when I emailed them to express my displeasure, I was simply told to "appeal" once more. I've never sent out so many emails in my whole life in university and this is only within a span of 2 days.

Right now, I'm very worried that I can't take German. My teacher told me that there are still vacancies, and when I emailed to the centre and to CORS respectively, centre told me that I could still bid, while CORS told me it is full. I HATE THIS. DON'T SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS LIAISE PROPERLY WITH ONE ANOTHER?? There is simply NO effective communication between them and I am given inaccurate information. This is just like how when WYM wanted to set up a new club in school, and she was being directed to so many departments in school, from Arts, to Science, to Yale even, to the school management, to the Dean, and EVERYONE was telling us different stuff and different policies. This freaking sucks.

I can only hope my appeal go through because I am freaking desperate right now. It's the first time I have not settled my modules at such a late timing. Sighs I am really feeling so upset and angst right now :( 

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