Tuesday, February 7, 2017

too many things on my plate.

Suddenly feeling so overwhelmed by school and other commitments. 

This sem, all of my mods have group projects that constitutes a high percentage of the module, excluding the mini group tutorial discussions that we usually have. Even German has group recording wth. For German 3, we only had to record once?? And it was a pair work. The rest were mainly written essays. German 4 so far have 2 videos already omg. IT IS HELL I SWEAR. Like a lot of assignments but every German lesson like not productive and never learn new things. 

These few weeks have been hell ever since tutorials started. Every day I'm just doing tutorials wth. Last week was the start of hell with all the group discussions. Monday was absolutely hell because I had 2 group project meetings and a graded assignment to be completed. Yesterday was better, but I'm still stuck at the business analytics assignment coz we are damn suay and got a difficult assignment zzz. Today is Wednesday and I met my NM group doing tutorial to discuss more on our project + later meeting P for public finance discussion with prof + I WILL BE GIVING MY FIRST TUTION SESSION TODAY OMG NERVOUS because I don't know how to go about it and I have not really prepared myself on how I want to conduct the lessons LOL. I have looked through the maths syllabus and wth I feel so sad for the primary school kids now. I hope everything goes well - have a nice HARDWORKING student who will at least prepare his homework before lessons, hope the tutee has nice parents who will smile at me LOL. And then tonight have to chiong home to prepare for dsc quiz tomorrow + finish question 3 of the dreaded assignment + study for german test tomorrow omg SO MANY THINGS ON MY PLATE KILL ME. 

Friday I can finally rest. Saturday got some vday event with the cca people which I'm honestly very lazy to go HAHA because I have so many things to do!! And it's really damn sian that all our cca stuff is held on Saturdays because by the time I reach home, it'll be 6+pm that kind wth. And my mum will always be pissed off that I'm not home on Saturday's because she wants to spend time with me. Plus, I really treat Saturday's as my rest day/alone time, then now every Saturday has cca zzz. Like this sem we are learning pottery wheel sessions on Saturdays. The sessions is supposed to be 4 hours only from 10-2pm, but wth that day it ended at 5+pm. I can't commit to this man so I'm not sure if I want to continue. I was pretty sure that I did not want to learn the wheel sessions, but after I had experienced it myself on the first session, I quite enjoyed it, but the long hours is a very deterring factor!! AHHHHH. I have one more week to think through whether I want to continue learning, or just stay as a comm member and handle those admin stuff. 


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