Friday, February 10, 2017

a night of frenzy.

It's pretty late now, but I guess I'll post a bit.

Hell week is ALMOST over. Yesterday was a frenzy, with me waking up early to chiong study for my German and dsc test. The night before, I was skyping Joey and trying my best to stay awake, while studying for both tests, and preparing for dsc presentation and to attempt the last question for the assignment. No idea how but I ended up falling asleep on the floor and had to drag myself up and sat back on the chair and continue skyping Joey. (I think she didn't know I fell asleep on the ground HAHA). Then a while later, I fell asleep again while skyping her. She woke me up when she was going to sleep HAHAHA damn funny coz she caught me sleeping on snapchat omg and I didn't know I looked that cui. The night continued with me struggling to stay away, but failing miserably and dozing off multiple times till probably 5am, and my dad came into my room and made me go to bed.

The whole day in school I was panicking because I only managed to memorise one chapter of German, and the next chapter was like 20 pages long. It was hell multi-tasking during lectures HAHA. I was copying notes and at the same time, memorising my vocab. My brain was like DEAD.

Thursdays are my long day, with lessons from 10am to 8pm (CRAIS) so I was basically dead and kept whining in German class. Went home and not long after, crashed on my bed. WITHOUT SHOWERING HAHAHA. So my mum came home and tried to make me change or shower, BUT I REFUSED. All I remembered was me almost crying when she made me get up to remove my contact lenses but I just kept mumbling "please don't make me get up I want to sleep please please let me sleep". I remember my dad nagging at me "you better sleep properly don't sleep near your laptop you'll get brain cancer (wth ridiculous right)" and me attempting to scream back some snarky comment at him but failing miserably because I didn't even have strength to open my eyes or mouth HAHA. I was THAT tired. Eventually, my parents gave up on me and my mum tried to pry my eyes open to remove my contact lenses, leading me to finally manage to raise my fingers and get the stupid lenses out of my damn eyes. SO DRAMA RIGHT?? But I was so dead beat and couldn't function somehow.

Oh and my mum said that I was mumbling in my sleep "two questions cannot do" LOL. Must have been talking about dsc because I really cuatio when I saw the first question. What a nerd seriously. Even when I was so tired, I was still thinking of dsc.

Anyway, so I woke up this morning, still in my dirty clothes, with unbrushed teeth HAHA. It was hell I'll make sure to sleep properly next time. But good thing was, I managed to sleep 12 hours. It's been a while.