Tuesday, April 4, 2017


#WeeklyWednesdayPost LOL.

Busy busy week because of public finance. Such a dreadful module omg. Slogging our guts out for this 8% presentation tomorrow - 18 mins of presentation, 12 minutes of Q&A, 14 questions to answer (minimum). On top of that, I have my last German Vocab test tomorrow, plus it'll be a full day for me, from 10-9.40pm. This is never-ending.

So lost on what to do in life because what if I end up doing something that I don't like?? Also, my internship application is a total flop. Helpppppp. Really wish I had talent in something but no, I am not.

Reading on this guy who is so successful, like how he interned for some political figure and got into Stanford. WOW. JUST WOW. Compared to him, I am so so mediocre. Sigh pie.

On a positive note, studying with one of my NM group mates now at utown after tutorial haha and we got one for one!! GOT THE GREEN TEA CREAM FRAP WOOHOO. And she showed me that the tables outside starbucks actually had power points omg??!! 3 YEARS IN SCHOOL AND I NEVER KNEW OF THAT WHAT A FAILURE. Better late than never haha. 

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