Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Boulevart experience.

So I spontaneously signed up for a painting workshop at Boulevart yesterday night HAHA.

Found out about this place because we were discussing about cca stuff last time and they mentioned about this studio and I was googling them, and found out they held workshops. Really wanted to go for the pastel skies one but I missed a couple of sessions because of work and this week's one is held on Thursday night but I've got cca meeting every Thursday BOOO :( So only could sign up for this night sky workshop!! Initially didn't want to go because I was scared and unsure, but on Monday night at 11plus pm, I made up my mind HAHAH so I emailed them and they said I could go!! Signed up for it alone because it was too late to jio people.

Their workshop is of various pricing, and the night sky one is $40/session. When I arrived, I found out that only one other girl signed up for the workshop HAHAHA. Which is quite good I guess!! Coz the class is super small then the facilitator could help us more.

So basically I had to choose a postcard for reference on what I wanted to paint, and then the facilitator helped me in selection of colours needed, and taught me how to start painting, e.g. starting with the lighter colours. It took me damn long to get the right colours because my purple paint was DAMN LIGHT initially. It's like pastel pink LOL. And if it's too light, the "stars" won't be visible. So we had to use a hair dryer to dry the paint then go over it again with darker purple. He also taught me how to blend the colours (like giving it the ombre effect), like dabbing the brush into water, then dry it slightly on tissue, and swirl between the different colours and then go over them from left to right. And also how to add like cloudy effects etc.

He helped me a lot on the nebula thingy because it was so hard to create it!! And yeah he told me he thought my painting would be hopeless initially AHHHA because we took so long to get the colours and blending right, but he said it turned out nice in the end HAHHA. He was really scared it would end up bad. He said the postcard I'd chosen was too difficult HAHA.

I think my favourite part was adding the stars!! I had always thought that we had to use our fingers to flick the paint off from the paintbrush to create the splatter effect, but he showed me how to do it. You have to use 2 paintbrushes, then dab some white paint onto one brush, then flick it off the brush by using the end of another paint brush. It was so therapeutic doing that because the night sky finally looked much nicer with the addition of the stars. He had to tell me I had enough stars already HAHAH if not I would have added more because it was so fun!! The bigger stars (i.e. the few blobs of circles) were done by placing a drop of paint, then gently swirl AROUND it, and not swirl the blob itself. I went to swirl the blob HAHAH then he's like NONONONO.

At one point I was so tired and wanted to give up because my night sky didn't look like a night sky at all HAHAH and I was getting increasingly frustrated. He kept telling me don't be scared and don't worry. I was frustrated also because it was damn late and I'd overrun the time, and the other lady was done with her painting already but I was still fixing the sky LOL. There were supposed to be more details e.g. a path from the light house etc but I was damn lazy HAHA so I told him it's ok don't need to add.

I think my favourite part of the whole painting is the blue part and the ombre between the pink and blue. It's nice :') And definitely the stars. I love the stars so much.

It was a very interesting experience all in all, and I would definitely consider going for it again!! I want to go for the pastel skies one in future, but I think my mum would be pissed if I bring home more canvasses HAHA. Oh yeah this canvass is slightly smaller than the canvasses I got from Arteastiq. Mum said the painting looks good too HAHA. She said the amateur pieces I painted at Arteastiq give people for free also nobody would want HAHAH FREAK DAMN UNSUPPORTIVE HOR MY MUM. But seriously. Should see my first painting I ever did. It was this freaking ugly rose and the entire background is white HAHAHA wth I spent $20+ painting a rose omg QUESTIONING MY SANITY AT THAT TIME. And the second painting was an attempt of some night sky as well but it was horrid and uncompleted till today HAHA.

Thank you my facilitator Anwar for being so patient despite me being so helpless and useless the whole time HAHA. And letting me stay past the time to finish up my painting. #burden. 

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