Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Starting August 2017 right.

Hello folks. It's now August 2017!! It is so scary that in one year, I'll be *hopefully* working and done with education.

Set up some plans to make myself more motivated and disciplined this August/this semester.

1. Drink plenty of water & cut down on sugar.
This is easier said than done!! I am a huge consumer of sugary drinks. But I guess, intern life has made me drink more water. Also, I just received my new bottle from choonz hehe finally!! LOL more motivation to drink water??

2. Exercise.
Looking at Bern and hearing her stories with her guavapass made me feel so envious of all the cool exercises she got to do. Also, ever since some time in March, I'd stopped exercising and just being unmotivated in general. I'll load blogilates videos but end up just sitting on the exercise mat and staring at her, feeling dejected, and then shut the video. But now, I am going to do something about this. I'm re-starting on my exercise regime and trying to go back into the days where I did insanity religiously. Did one exercise video today and it was plain exhausting, but something about sweating it out makes me feel a sense of achievement. Also, it relieves a bit of the guilt from eating too much hahahaha.

3. Skincare routine.
This may sound very vain but I have now realised the importance of having a good skincare routine. It scares me to have saggy and horrible skin omg. And pictures of the hot 50-year-old photographer chuando or something that went viral last week made me super self-conscious. I don't wanna be old and saggy HAHA. It's mainly attributed to genes, but some lady also said that skincare plays a huge role too. I'm still experimenting and finding good products for my face. But yes, here's to more application of sunblock on my face and more moisturiser.

4. Side projects.
I've some mini-projects that I'm planning HAHAH. They involve time lapse videos, more drawing practices, and also more writing/blogging. Was looking through my archives and realised that I've stopped documenting moments of my life down because #laziness, but reading about my life can be pretty entertaining in the future.

Ok and also to start off this month, I'VE FINALLY UPDATED MY INSTAGRAM HAHAHA. Most of you would know how adamant I was in upgrading my instagram because I love the old icon, plus I felt that instastories would be distracting. But recently, many of my snapchat friends have migrated to instastory and I am so bored!!!!!! I will still use snapchat because their filters are adorable and because the snapchat platform has now reduced significantly, so I can be myself and post whatever shit stuff there. It still feels a bit sad to have the colourful purple icon instead of the traditional icon, hence I've found a hack on maintaining the icon (but not 100%). Ask me if you wanna know.

Also, I've been using my kindle a lot lately. Just in July, I've finished reading 4 books WOW. Reading is such a joy seriously. I'm a bookworm, no kidding. 

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