Sunday, July 30, 2017

my braces journal: the 5th tightening.

Oops delayed braces post again HAHA. Haven't been motivated in posting about my braces progress because it's such a hassle to compile pictures and edit them for comparison. All in all, the simplest way to put it is: I AM LAZY. 

I think the most obvious progress for this set of braces was the closing of my teeth gap right after I went for the previous tightening as mentioned in my 4th tightening post.

LOOK AT THAT DIFFERENCE. I really really hated that teeth gap. Plus, that teeth gap was a major hindrance because it enhanced the fact that my left big tooth was longer than my right big tooth, and I kept accidentally like created friction between the left big tooth and the bottom row of teeth!! Because it was too long so it kept scratching across the bottom and it was so uncomfortable!! Right after the tightening, around a few hours later, the gap closed and wew nice teeth again!!

Pardon me for unhealthy looking gums in the upper pic but I assure you, my gums are healthy. I think it's because I had chilli and didn't brush my gums after eating. Ok from this pic, you can see how my upper teeth in the upper pic are slightly rotated. I mentioned in the previous post on how the connectors were supposed to rotate them and yeah hated them bleh. But the purple braces did such an amazing job hehe straighter right!! In the bottom comparison.

There!! More obvious in this collage. Can see that the upper teeth are now aligned in one straight row. LOVE THE PURPLE BRACES. Might consider getting them again since I'm running out of ideas because I refuse to have ugly colours such as red, green, yellow, orange. Ok might consider orange but the rest NO GO. Unless it's pastel.

Tightening becomes less painful as time goes by. Tightening also takes a damn short time. Probably 5-10 mins only!! My latest visit only took 5 mins HAHA. Oh and for this tightening, the dentist got new pattern again. Oh but for this particular tightening, it took slightly longer, because:

I know omg this is a super unglamorous picture FML but this is the only way I could show what was the new pattern HAHA. Basically, the dentist I think glued on some stuff onto the underside of my upper teeth. It took around 5-10 mins for this. It's like layering glue and they taste awful. Remember in my first post when I talked about how I first had braces and tasted awful glue taste?? This tastes similar!! Except it didn't drop onto my tongue or anything. Just that can feel the taste and smell it.

It looks like 2 stoppers hidden behind my teeth. And after that, he told me not to bite hard for around 15 mins, probably because it takes time for them to settle and harden and stabilise. I didn't know how awkward it would feel like, until I attempted to bite together after 15 mins, and I realised it was preventing me from biting together completely. Really acted like stoppers.

I asked him what the purpose of these were, and he said it's to prevent me from biting too much?? Or something like that. I think it's probably because the upper teeth were starting to close in more and more and to prevent them from bending too much inwards, he had to add a stopper?? not too sure also HAHA.

Oh and another thing was, I'm not sure if I had mentioned in my first post, that I felt 2 stoppers on the upper part of my top molars. I can't describe what they were, but every time I run my tongue across my upper molars, I would feel this thing acting like a hindrance below the molars. They felt like teeth fillings that were jutting out, so it was just a very unsmooth surface. But the dentist removed that too during this session!! It felt very awkward because my it suddenly felt smooth and maybe he mo2 (shaved) a bit of my molars too because they felt so flat.

Anyway, after the stoppers, it got difficult for me to speak. I began speaking as if I had a lisp again, like in the beginning. I went to starbucks and the cashier tried to ask for my name and I was like SARAH but it ended up sounding like HERAH or AIR-RAH. It was so weird!! And then I met some friends at night and Johan was damn amused at my misfortune and he was laughing away??!! RUDE HAHA.

Ok time to go to bed!! Nights xD


  1. Omg babe you used xD HAHA so funny so old school

    1. HAHA AWW JOEY YOU NOTICED!! I typed in "^^" at first, but then I realised, "xD" suits me more HAHHA.
