Monday, January 8, 2018

Goodbye, 2017.

Hi it's already the 2nd week of 2018, and time is still foreign to me because I've stopped keeping track of time and dates ever since holidays started (my planner is rotting at one corner, which is a shame because it's super good-looking).

I'm no longer so excited to do a review of the year as I was in the past few years, so here are just some short memories and highlights of what I did in 2017, and whatever my goldfish memory can remember.

The year started with me going on a trip to the Botanic Gardens with Jia and Sihui.
The 3 of us met by chance at church camp 3 or 4 years ago, under the admin comm. We got lost in the gardens multiple times but it was fun and Josh was appalled by the number of times we meant missing haha.

Visited Singapore Biennale with Ahmeng. 
It was a very random impromptu trip. And we started talking about how we volunteered at the Biennale years ago and our random experiences. It was also the first time I managed to get pictures at the photobooth. It's like $2 per strip which I think it's very worth. Go get it guys!! I got 2 - one in black and white and one in coloured. How nostalgic. There were also many exhibitions, and in particular, I like the black forest-ish exhibition as well as the one filled with maps.

I also went to the airport to pick up Wendy as a surprise.
She didn't know I would be there. We finally reunited after her being apart from me for 6 months because of exchange + practicum.

CNY louhei with CG. 
We spent the entire Sunday together. We played the card version of werewolves which I really enjoyed. And then we headed to chinatown for nice korean food where we drank soju and took a bunch of boomerangs and laughing away.

Spent Valentine's Day at Corgi and Bite.
I invited Mich as my vday date HAHA and do + joe to come down to corgi and bite for our vday event. We had a painting session, where we painted corgis, and obviously, Jia Hao won because he's that good. Thanks Mich for being so sporty and being my date HAHAHA.

I also started my first tutoring job.
Thanks to Joey, she introduced me to a tutee, and I managed to get my first tutoring job. I've been saying I wanted to give tuition since I'd graduated from JC, but things never materialise until Joey introduced me. I mean, there were people asking me to teach but I'd always reject them. I've no idea why but something in me asked me to accept this and I did. My student was Daverick, and he was a really nice and good student. I still feel guilty because I wish I could have done better in teaching.

My instagram account got hacked.
This was very memorable. WTH how often does someone get her account hacked right?? And also, I told Vanessa Chan about this and she's like WHO WOULD EVEN HACK YOU YOU'RE NOT EVEN AN INFLUENCER. HAHAH that's right. But some Russian hacker decided to hack me wth. (because they changed my email to some russian email). I went onto forums and many of them also got hacked by russians wthhhhh. STOP SPYING SERIOUSLY. It was hell during that period but I managed to retrieve my account after a few gruelling days and emails.

I started (and then quitted) pottery.
In the first half of the year, we stopped workshops and just went for pottery classes on Saturdays. It was fun, but I couldn't commit to it because pottery IS an expensive hobby. I paid around $50 a lesson, and I see no progress each week because I wasn't skilful. It's just not calling to me. On the other hand, Jiahao did damn well, but he too stopped. I think I learnt it for around 3-4 months before giving up.

My father turned 70.
What an old man. Hahaha.

I left my mark on AS8.
We managed to partner with the school for AS8's opening. So we got to do tiles that were attached on a wall at AS8. The wall is done beautifully, but not my tile. HAHAHA. But still, nice to leave something in school before I graduate.

I finished my last ever German class.
I've learnt German for 2 years, and I can't continue on due to poor module planning hence I've no more UEs left. In my last German group, I met new friends - Phyllis, Singyee etc. Phyllis is my support during classes, always explaining to me when I'm lagging behind. Singyee, funny story haha. We never talked until the last few lessons, and he still tags me on facebook occasionally.

Summer was a haze, and I remembered being super depressed the entire period because I didn't manage to get an internship despite going for countless interviews and doing and passing multiple tests.

Went to the Harry Potter themed cafe, JB cafe-hopping, Museums with Bern & Do.
I spent a lot of my summer with these 2 girls and I'm so grateful for them. Met bern almost all of Mondays before I started working because Mondays are her off day. Thanks for tolerating me and just spending time with me!!

Baked German pastries.
The school's German lecturers organised a baking trip for us students. They booked a baking studio and taught us traditional German pastries. It was so fun!! And I managed to take pictures with my favourite teacher, Frau Hoffmann.

We cooked Korean soup in church.
Aaron bought some soup stock from Korea, so Josh booked the kitchen in church and we started cooking the soup (which turned out really bland HAHA), but we had fun wrecking the kitchen and taking videos of us advertising for the soup HAHA.

Cycled for the first time in years with church friends.
We had an outing to Punggol Waterway park to cycle. It was my first time cycling in years (ever since Joseph taught me at class chalet). It was fun!! I kept telling them I would be a burden but I ended up remembering how to cycle after 10 mins of warming up. SX also didn't know how to cycle, but they taught her and we went to cycle for 2 hours which was a horror for her HAHA. Punggol Waterway Park is really beautiful though. And then SX brought us to Serangoon for nice dessert. It's the first time I enjoy something that has durians - Durian mousse. It was soooooo good.

Explored Tiong Bahru.
I had an interview there which flopped because the interviewer wasn't even interested in me in the first place (why did you ask me to come down then). Then I went to explore the area with Jia and Mich.

Central Perk.
As fans of F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Phyllis and I went to the cafe!! It was so nice!! The ambience and all. The food is hella expensive though. But we managed to get nice desserts and played with helium.

We went drinking at Hopheads for doreen's birthday. The place is amazing!! We played table tennis until we were so rowdy I'm pretty sure people were staring HAHHA but we had a blast.

Flew off to Bangkok with my mum, my 2 cousins Pris and Serena, and their mum.
The trip was really fun. I didn't buy a lot of stuff, but I enjoyed the time. My mum went crazy with her loots. I finally got to try my After You cafe toast. Also, it's the first trip without my aunts and honestly, it was fun. Going with them is fun too, but we probably would miss out on experience such as massages and late night trips and cafe-hopping, because one of my aunts is very particular about timing and she's always making us go back to the hotel early or stopping us from doing stuff. Very dictator-style which is surely suffocating.

Went for Boulevart experience.
Signed up for my first painting class at Boulevart. It was enjoyable, yet stressful.

Going for my first internship as an Editorial and Research Intern. 
This was interesting, because I got to fulfil a part of my dreams as a writer HAHA. I got to write articles for the company's magazine, and research notes (that was probably used in a bloomberg interview wow). I also meet new intern friends - yinuo, timothy and nicholas. I met the nicest supervisor ever, who was also the nicest interviewer I've ever met. This job taught me independence, and letting me experience a 9-6 office job. It was tiring but a good experience.

Turning 22.
My 22 started off in the midnight with birthday wishes and all. It was good, but turned bad as hours passed. I think it remained this way till a few days later. My friends surprised me on my birthday itself, and they got me a gift. They shouldn't have spent money, but they did. I'm guilty, but happy. Thank you friends.

Nasi Lemak burger.
This deserves a mention. HAHAHAHA. ICONIC LEH. I'd abstained from Mac's for a year since my braces. But I broke my chain for THIS. It's good, really. I also abstained from my beloved mcspicy ever since braces. you are dearly missed T___T

Watched a musical - West Side Story.
This could be my first musical (excluding the December Rain, which was Singapore's first musical or something). I was actually quite excited to watch it. But the musical was heavily Spanish-accented and I couldn't catch most of it. And the story plot is reallllllllyyyyyyy cliche. But many people on my instagram found it really good though. Hmmm.

2017 is the year I got addicted to Mala.
We first started eating Mala at Deck, and then fell in love with it, and proceeded to eat it almost every single week. IT'S CHEAP!! When we split the cost HAHA. Still trying to figure out how the uncle charges us though because it's hella inconsistent and what if he cheats our money!!!!!!

My cousin Shawn got married.
Not close to him. But this was an interesting experience because it's my first time going to a catholic church. And also, I'm damn unlucky that my dad is the eldest son, so they placed him at the main VIP table with the bride and groom and their family WTH we are not even close. It was excruciatingly awkward. And my aunt asked me to go up the stage with everyone when they were doing the champagne toasts because she didn't want me to be the only one left behind at the table. I KNEW NO ONE THERE, except my parents. And then I proceeded to down the entire glass of champagne, which they were shocked at. HAHA.

My cousin Pris got married.
YESSSS. It was damn tiring as a bridesmaid because we had to be up at like 4+ till the end of the wedding with NO BREAKS in between. We had to follow the bride and groom EVERYWHERE, from each house to each house, to their photobreaks, to their rehearsals, to making sure the guest reception is alright. I was doing saikang because my cousin chose this super FAT AND POUFFY wedding gown with LAYERS AND LAYERS OF CANCAN in her skirt. And it has a super long tail trailing away. So when she walks from table to table to take pictures, I've to stoop down to pick up her skirt for her so she wouldn't step on it. I FELT LIKE I BURNT LIKE A GAZILLION CALORIES THAT NIGHT. but it was still fun. STAY HAPPY!! AND GET A KID!!

2017 is the year I got addicted to online shopping.
Online shopping is soooooo convenient. Just a few clicks!! I bought lots of stuff from ezbuy, shopee especially, and spent on 11-11 sales on Taobao and Black Friday sales on forever21. I also randomly took the plunge and ordered stuff with some dayre user from Tarte HAHA. And bought Tarte stuff a second time with wn and bern during christmas sales omg 70% OFF HOW TO RESIST YOU TELL ME. But yes, I'm going to control my spendings in 2018.

Worked for a startup.
YUP, I'm currently working for some startup, and planning to stop once school starts.

Ice-skating and K session with CG.
We went for ice-skating at Jcube and it was fun!! It was the guys' first time skating and they were hilarious, especially Aaron omg so joke he didn't dare to let go AT ALL and Josh was exasperated because he had to look after him. Amelia also taught us how to skate backwards and then we all attempted but I fell and landed on my ass and we laughed like hell. Caleb also kept laughing at me because I kept being stuck on the spot and couldn't move back.

Cycled and went to Liuhan's house.
Vivan, Do, LH and I went cycling at Punggol!! We stopped at the bridge for like 30 mins to take pics HAHA so excessive. And then we finally went to Liuhan's house!!!!!!! WE ARE THE TOP 5 TO GO TO HER HOUSE HAHA. Actually top 6 but we excluded her bf because we wanted to be the top 5 HAHA. Her house is really nice!!

Winning $8.
This is a joke story. I won $8 from some milo spin-wheel HAHA.

Bought tix for SS7.
YES, THIS IS HAPPENING. I spent almost $300 on their tix but I am so happy I can finally see them!! Going with Freda, SY, Pris and Freda's sister. Still pretty bumped I couldn't go for Jay Chou's concert. I mean, facebook was flooded with sellers trying to sell their tickets but I already spent so much on SS7 alr, so next time, Jay Chou. I WILL SEE YOU.

Christmas exchange with 6J.
FUNNNNN. CRAZY NIGHT, WITH CRAZY FRIENDS. Always full of laughter. But really, cards against humanity wasn't thatttt fun. I wanted to end the game so badly. But shared a cab home with Joseph hehe.

Christmas with fam.
This year, we broke our tradition and spent christmas on 25th instead of 24th.

Attempted to crochet.
Wanted to learn crocheting (inspired by Phyllis). But it failed miserably. Here's a preview.

New Year's Eve Mapling.
Downloaded Maple again and spent the eve playing with Mich, Van and XM. HAHAHA the saddest NYE ever but it was raining outside and couldn't see fireworks. And then I called the bestie wendy at 12am on the dot to scream Happy New Year at her HAHAHHAAH. She was like WHAT YOU REALLY CALLED?????? Coz I didn't let her sleep and told her I will call her and wake her up HAHA.

1 year anniversary with braces.
Yup, 1 year. And I'll be taking them off in a couple of weeks. I'll miss braces!! It makes me look younger HAHA. I haven't been diligent in blogging about my visits to tighten them, because once it reaches a point when it's almost straight, it's difficult to see any progress, and it gets less exciting to blog about it. But yeah. 24th Jan, I'm waiting!!

So yeah, that's it. My 2017 is pretty uninteresting. It's the year that I turned really jaded and upset, and it's really a daily struggle to not let my thoughts turn negative. I mean, I'm really lucky to be blessed with people around me, and yet, there's still this negativity that weighs me down for no reason at all. I should be grateful. I am. And I hope 2018 will be better, with me finding a good job and graduate peacefully, and also finding inner peace.

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