Monday, January 22, 2018

The day I lost half of my wisdom.

17th January 2018.

The day I lost half of my wisdom, i.e. got 2 out of 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted.

If I remember correctly, my first wisdom tooth grew at a pretty early age (similarly, my first milk tooth also dropped at a really early age), at probably 13 or 14. All 4 of my wisdom teeth didn't really give me any problems, until perhaps around 2 years ago, where food started to keep getting stuck on my left side. It wasn't pain. However, there were days where my gums would feel sore, as the tooth penetrated my gums and grew, but the pain would disappear after a few days.

When taking my x-ray for braces, the orthodontist told me that the wisdom teeth on my left side were grown in a slanted manner and should be removed, while the ones on the right side had no issues as they were upright. But since they did not hurt, it wasn't an urgent need to have them remove, but recommended to be removed as they were pushing against my molar and could cause decay as well since food kept getting trapped there.

I had been wanting to get it extracted before removing my braces, especially during the dec holidays, but my mum was too busy to accompany me. (I needed her and my dad to accompany me since we were paying by their medisave). I wanted to do so before braces extraction because I was afraid that the wisdom tooth would keep pushing against my molar and make it go crooked after removing braces. Eventually, 2018 came and I am removing my braces on 24th Jan, and suddenly, I felt this wave of pressure to IMMEDIATELY GET THOSE DARN TEETH REMOVED. So on Monday 15th Jan, I asked my mum to decide between the clinic at mount elizabeth where I extracted my teeth for braces and the one at Yewtee that most of my friends went to. She decided on the mount elizabeth one. Tuesday I called for an appointment. Wednesday I extracted them. HOW EFFICIENT RIGHT AHAHAHHA. Calculated to have exactly one week to rest before 24th HAHA.

And the night before extraction, I got SO FREAKING SCARED I wanted to chicken out. I skipped dinner coz of stress, but came 11pm and I decided to take a walk out to Mac's and got myself a mcspicy. (FYI, I did not eat mcspicy ever since braces). SEE WHAT STRESS DID TO ME.

Then came the day of extraction. The whole time at the clinic, my mum was too busy to give a shit about me since she was too busy on the phone with her clients, so I entered, registered, signed the documents, and walked in to get my teeth extracted without my mum knowing LOL.

They brought me back to the same room as before to get my injections. The dentist briefed us about the risks as it was part of the legal requirement since wisdom tooth surgery has a potential of damaging our nerves and the sinus tubes or something, but it's just a 1% chance. I think the pain level of the injections was similar to that previously. Still pretty tolerable, but I was clenching my fists the whole while. The nurses were VERY NICE. One of them was soothing me and rubbed my shoulders to comfort me HAHAHA.

They then took me to the surgery room, where I had to put on the surgery gown, shower cap and a mask to cover my eyes. At that point, I had no idea what was going on because I couldn't see I WANTED TO RUN OUT. HAHAHA I DAMN CHICKEN LAH. So they told me there would be drilling + cracking of my teeth.

The drilling - it was the worst part. The drilling sound is so close to your ears. I felt this incessant buzzing and it was so annoying!! After some drilling, he then cracked my tooth into pieces and then extracted it. It was interesting because there wasn't pain, only could feel the pressure. The pressure was REALLY STRONG though. The cracking part too. I felt like there was so much pressure on my lower jaw. When he removed a cracked piece of tooth, I could feel it!! It was interesting. As he continued drilling, I could somehow feel some pain, so I winced and he asked me. Then he gave me another jab LOL DAMN SUAY. Previously I had to have more jabs too because I could still feel the pain. Then more drilling and cracking. THE WHOLE PROCESS FOR THE BOTTOM ROW (MIND YOU, ONLY BOTTOM ROW) TOOK SOOOOOO LONG. He commented my bones are really strong. Recall: He mentioned about my strong bones previously as well. Hence, it was very difficult to drill + crack + pull them out. I think throughout the process I kept wincing because I could feel some sort of pressure, and then he kept asking me if I needed to rest. But I just want to get it over and done with!! Oh the drilling sound made me damn giddy. Halfway through, I felt like I was zoning out and floating.

After an eternity, he told me, OK DONE. So I thought it was done LOL. But no, had to stitch first. Then he said, LAST STITCH. Then I was like IS IT FINALLY OVER??!! But no again. He said, THEN WE WILL PROCEED TO THE UPPER TEETH. FML. At that point, I really had no clue because my mouth was so numb I couldn't feel if my upper teeth had also been extracted.

Upper teeth also had to be drilled, but no cracking involved. However, it was worse in the sense that there was A LOT MORE pressure exerted. There was a lot of pushing and pulling, to get the tooth out. The nurse had to hold my head in place while the dentist tugged on my tooth. It felt really exhausting, for the dentist and nurses as well haha. But the upper tooth took much less time than the bottom. I think it took 5 mins??

The anaesthesia is supposed to last for around 6 hours. So I couldn't feel any pain, but definitely soreness. My cheek also immediately swelled up. It was funny though, because half of my face is a numb (including half of my tongue LOL). When I tried to drink water, I was drooling on half a side HAHAHAH so funny.

LOL look at that swell. Like got fishball stuck there like that HAHHAHA.

I really like the service at that clinic!! The nurses are super friendly, patient and kind. The orthodontist is super friendly and funny as well. They even called me the next day to check if I was feeling ok. So nice :')

The swell went down a lot by night. I was advised to ice it for 2 days. By nighttime, it also stopped bleeding. Previously, it bled more.

It's been around 4 days after my surgery. It doesn't hurt, but it gets sore when I move my jaw too much. I can't really open my mouth too big still. When I run my tongue along the insides of my cheek, I can feel the wounds and sometimes it stings, probably from the acidity of my saliva LOL. But it isn't a sharp pain. It feels weird though, like something is missing. The gums also feel sore. It has the similar sore feeling as when my wisdom tooth first started growing, which is weird because now they are gone but similar soreness HAHA.

This was an interesting process, but glad that I won't have to experience this anymore. 

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