Friday, March 2, 2018

A taste of Myanmarese cuisine.

Taking a break from revision during recess week. The past few days were pretty hectic, because I had to keep rushing to school for group project meetings. Had 3 meetings in total. These couple of weeks are practically hell week, with this week scrambling for midterm revision + group project meetings and submissions. There's a video proposal due this week, but we were VERY productive yesterday surprisingly, completed script + recording + 85% done with the video editing within 3 hours WHAT A MIRACLE. I didn't have high hopes initially, and only intended to just film finish and leave at 12pm, but we were so into it that we managed to complete a lot by 1.30!!!!! GOOD JOB. Will try to finish it by tonight so I can upload onto youtube by tomorrow.

Have a midterm next Monday which I'm pretty scared for because it's 30%. Also, have an assignment due next Saturday which I don't have time to start on, plus have to go school to use their comp to do because mac's a bitch and doesn't allow me to run vba successfully sometimes. Then, have another 2 group projects (proposal + presentation) to prepare for too. And have an essay that will be released on 9th March and to be completed by 11th March WTH. Not even 48 hours sia zzz. SO PRESSED FOR TIME. Really 过一天,算一天. FAINTS.

But managed to catch up with my old German classmates on Tuesday!! Went to help Phyllis on her thesis as a test participant. Her topic is pretty interesting, and we got to try free food!! Myanmar cuisine to be exact.

This is a dish known as Mohinga. It's rice vermicelli with fish(cake), boiled eggs, and chick peas. THE CHICK PEAS ARE BOMBZ. I LOVE IT.

This is the fish broth. IT'S VERY NICE. The dish kind of reminds us of mee rebus/mee siam. Can I just emphasise once more how delicious the fried chick peas are!! (You can get them from Peninsular Plaza). Oh yeah all thanks to her thesis, I got to know that there is a "Little Burma" in Singapore, which is also found at Peninsular Plaza apparently. Towards the end of the dish, it gets kind of jelak because the soup gets sticky/starchy.

This is their salad. The green stuff is actually pickled tea leaves!! They are sour, but have a bitter aftertaste. It's not really my kind of salad though. This plate has a whole range of flavours, including saltiness, sourness and bitterness. The nuts are bitter but crunchy and nice. My tastebuds were confused from the explosion of flavours all at once.

This is a kind of dessert!! It reminds me of a mixture of chendol and bubur cha cha. It's like those jelly things with lots of coconut milk, and the highlight of the dessert - BUTTER BREAD. This white things are bread and butter soaked in the milk. It's surprisingly very nice, since it's salty and sweet. Shared this bowl with Phoebe but we were too full coz the Mohinga serving was really huge. And it's a bit too sweet.

According to Phyllis' Myanmarese friend, the Myanmarese do not like bland food, so their dishes are very 重口味, which was a tad too strong for me. But it was a very fun experience!! It was my first time eating Myanmarese cuisine and I'm really pleasantly surprised, at how unfamiliar the taste was because some of the dishes felt very similar to our local cuisine, and how good they taste. Like it gets kind of difficult to adapt to foreign cuisines at times, but this was great. It was also fun to interact with a Burmese-Chinese to know more about their local culture. It brought back memories on H2 history days LOL, like learning about Aung San and the military rule period.

Hope her thesis goes well!!

Ok back to revision. CRAIS. 

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