Saturday, March 17, 2018

last sem is not a bed of roses.

Evidently given up on life just like ice bear.

HAHAHA I am really excited to talk about the webarebears funfest @ sentosa but it shall be kept for the next post because I'm having a really bad headache which makes me feel like puking and I can't burp the gas out from within me LOL.

Haven't been actively keeping track of what is happening in my life this year or since the start of university LOL. Whoever said that the last semester in uni is the chillest sem ever is telling a lie, or the person just had it easy and was reallllllly lucky. I for one have the shittiest luck ever. Everyday I'm just questioning my life choices, on why am I so stupid to take one of the most difficult mods I've ever taken. See lah, this is what happens when you think a NO-FINALS mod is manageable but hell, group projects are killing me. The past few weeks were absolute hell for me with midterms + a ton of group projects (video proposal + editing of video, MORE proposals, an essay, ton of readings). After my last submission on Sunday, I self-declared a week's worth of holiday LOL. Basically I was so tired after school everyday that I'll crash and miss dinner, and only waking up at 1am that kind. Whilst catching up on sleep has been great, now I'm regretting again LOL (see the constant cycle of me questioning my bad decisions in life?????) because I have a pile of work to do. There's yet ANOTHER assignment due this week for the WORST MOD EVER AGAIN, a presentation this Friday, another PROPOSAL due, another group assignment due and 2 group meetings this week. To hell with group projects really. CAN YOU FEEL MY ANGST. I don't even have time to craft out a good cover letter for more job applications.

But yes, tomorrow I have to be productive because I'll be out for lunch with my church friends!! Feels like I haven't seen them much this year because we canceled many sessions due to new year and chinese new year. But yeah hoping that tomorrow will be fun and that my headache will go away soon. 

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