Monday, April 2, 2018

week 10's joyous moments.

It's the start of week 11 and in 3 weeks, I'll be officially done with my university life and will be entering the workforce soon. Was looking at my organiser during break today and realised that my deadlines are piling up starting this week, so I finally sat my ass down after dinner and just finished one assignment, with another 127362877392 left to be completed LOL.

Last week started off really badly, but thank God all is well now and I feel optimistic again.

On Monday, I skipped lesson for group meeting + consultation with prof, and was supposed to go for makeup for this mod on Thursday, which meant I had to go for makeup for my Thursday's class on Tuesday. (confusing I know).

On Tuesday, I went to ntu to help out as a test participant for xm's friend's FYP. After that, I went to school early for lunch. Found out Bern and HJ were going to have Mala so I decided to join them. Bern was asking what time my makeup was and I still confidently said 3-6 HAHA. And I was happily eating mala. I event went to take a nap somewhere after doing my readings. And when it was approaching 3, I had to check my timetable for the venue for the makeup class, but then, JENG JENG JENG. It was at that moment that I realised the makeup was 12-3, and not 3-6.

WTH HAHAHAH I literally went to school for mala omg someone help me please. And yes, I went home after that LOL. Unintentionally skipped school. LOL really skipping lessons this sem sia. I even told Weihong that the makeup was 3-6 and he almost wanted to come sia OMG lucky he didn't if not I would have made him waste his free day going to school JUST LIKE ME LOL.

On Wednesday, I went to the national library with V and we spent a day studying there because we really wanted to go for dinner at Jin Jin for suan la fen again HAHA THE ADDICTION IS REAL. The day was filled with laughter because of our stupid moments HAHHA.

We discovered that there was a Bloomberg terminal inside NLB and wanted to book it for us. The terminal is at the 7th floor and we were at the 11th floor studying, so we decided to go down to book it. When we were in the lift, the lift stopped at a certain floor and some adults entered, and both of us just exited without looking at the floor. We somehow thought we were at 7th floor. And here's when I did something stupid HAHHA. The library conducts bag search at the reference floors because they do not want you to bring food in, but somehow I stupidly walked to the librarian and flagged out my arms for a BODY CHECK HAHAHAH and the security guard was super puzzled HAHA and the worst thing was WE WEREN'T CARRYING BAGS AT ALL HAHAHA V totally died laughing.

Then we entered and asked the librarian where was the bloomberg terminal and she was like, "Er it's at level 7." Then we both stoned for DAMN LONG because we thought we were at level 7, and there was this awkward moment of silence HAHAHA. Then V asked, "Isn't this level 7??" The librarian replied, "Er no it's downstairs." Then realisation struck us and we burst out laughing all the way out of the section HAHAHAH what a freaking bimbo moment.

We met Mich after studying and went for suan la fen!! IT IS MY NEW LOVE. Shit I am craving for it while typing this. T_____T And then we saw a double rainbow!!!!! I haven't seen a rainbow in ages, let alone DOUBLE RAINBOWS. HAHA felt super happy after that and I kept thinking that I'll have good luck LOL.

Thursday was a SAD SAD DAY. My precious bottle got pierced by my charger (I assume, or some other sharp thing in my bag), and there was this tiny hole somewhere. It was leaking the entire morning and it left a wet patch on the seat beside me in the lecture theatre LOL PEE STAIN. I thought it was my face mist that burst, but realised it was my bottle. BOOHOO I LOVE THIS BOTTLE SO MUCH T____T A moment of silence for my bottle.

Saturday evening was spent at Joey's house with the 6J friends!! It's always a crazy and fun time with these lovely people I swear. Joseph brought ugly dolls this time (thank goodness it wasn't cards against humanity LOL). We took the game so seriously and LH screamed so loudly and aggressively I died HAHHA. And Jon Ong wth his reaction damn fast?????!!! Doreen also omg. I took the game so seriously that I now have an orhceh on my knee LOL if you can spot the bump in this pic. INSTANT BRUISE.

And we drank beer and played king's cup which was SO FUNNY because we kept laughing at Jon Ong. He was the one who didn't let people pee before the game started, then end up he was so urgent we all died laughing HAHHAHA. He even sat in this mermaid position to KIAP HAHAHHA coz he was so damn urgent and he kept begging us to let him go toilet and we refused HAHA that suay kid didn't manage to get the J toilet card HAHA. And Joey's mama was so cute!! She brought this little pail for Jon Ong and asked him to pee in it as a joke HAHAH SO FUNNY LAH.

I really love all my friends from secondary and JC school times!!!!!!! ALWAYS SO FUN!!!

Oh yeah special announcement here: Doreen and I will be going to Japan!!!!!!!!

We signed up with the econs club LOL and the school allowed us to go even though we are graduating. The itinerary seems pretty fun. We may be going for baseball match, Toyota etc. I AM SO EXCITED BECAUSE JAPAN IS ONE OF MY DREAM PLACES TO GO TO. And if we are lucky, we might be able to catch the cherry blossoms even though it's late May!! So thankful my mum allowed me to go even though she is super unwilling to do so but yeah, it's my last chance ever so I think she relented hehe.

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