Sunday, September 23, 2018

first week of working life.

Should be in bed by now but am waiting for the clothes to soak finish so I can rinse and air them. The mum's on leave tomorrow so I'll be going to work all alone T___T So wanted to do laundry now so she can enjoy her leave tomorrow.

I'd just completed my first week of work and gosh, time flies!! The first day I was full of nerves because omg it's a big step into adulthood and I still feel like a lost child trying to figure out my life and getting my shit together. I was worrying whether I could adapt to work life, whether my colleagues would be nice and accepting, whether I would be able to cope with the job scope and all. But first day was pretty ok. Didn't do anything, but went for briefing after briefing with my manager, as he explained to me in detail what I had to take note of and what I would be doing. Omg so lost with all the technical terms that I spent my whole afternoon googling LOLOL.

Second day was ok too. My senior taught me a lot of stuff and it was a lot to take in initially. I was furiously scribbling away in my notebook LOLOL and feeling a little bit daunted but at the same time excited to learn more.

Third day was the exciting part. I WAS LATE HAHAHA. All because of the track fault at Clementi. The whole EWL was affected as usual, especially Boon Lay to Clementi. Usually I'd walk to Pioneer instead so that I would have seats LOL but then, the news announced that there would be shuttle service at Boon Lay, so my mum and I walked there instead. WOW they refused to let people board the train because the platform was flooded so we had no choice but to take the shuttle bus. queued for the bus for damn long and it only arrived at 8.15am. And hell, it was a bloody jam all the way to JE because #peakhour. We only arrived at JE at around 8.45am. And we were stuck in the bus interchange for at least 10 mins??! Eventually, I arrived at the office at 10.15am LOL it was quite funny lah coz the bus was moving so slowly. At the same time, the train was also moving so slowly so at one point in time, both the bus and train were moving at the same speed LOL (from my POV on the bus). Eventually, the train ended up being faster after the track cleared.

My colleagues brought me to eat super nice yongtaufoo @ FuLin. It's damn interesting because in the day, the shop operates as a YTF shop. At night, it transforms into a pub.

Oh and some auntie in my office jio-ed me to go for Zumba class on Wed and I felt bad for rejecting because she was so excited to go together. It's pretty fun, but it ends quite late so maybe I won't go very often, but as and when I feel like it haha.

Thursday was challenging because I handled my first recons and remittance. Kind of exciting because I felt like I was finally doing actual work and contributing to the company HAHA I don't want to be that newcomer that is of no value. And my manager treated me and my colleague to lunch at our office cafe. SCORE. After lunch, didn't have anything to do because everyone else were at an emergency drill so I entertained myself by ransacking the pantry HAHA. Then I went for my barre class after work and bumped into my econs schoolmate HAHA so qiao.

Friday flew past. Did recons and learn more stuff again. Nothing much. Went shopping after work and bumped into XX HAHAHA WHAT ARE THE ODDS.

Hope that the coming week would go smoothly and I'll pick up things fast. 

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