Thursday, November 1, 2018

an October mood.

It's the start of a new month and I've decided that it's my goal to post more this month. Used to be so enthusiastic about blogging in my tween age but it got more sporadic in the latter part of my uni days. The main reason for it is perhaps that I've become less light-hearted, and I'm afraid my posts would be filled with too much negativity. It's like people have this impression of me being positive and all especially if they've been reading my posts since I was 13. I've changed, gotten more serious, and I don't want to come off as being too boring. But yeah, ultimately, this is my journal.

October was great. I officially worked for a full month. (It's been 7 weeks now.) Super blessed that I'm in a pretty non-toxic working environment, and I don't dread going to work. I mean, I do wish that I'm still travelling. (the 2 grad trips really spoilt me).

I've been utilising my kindle more - read a ton of books since graduation, and still not into John Green's books oops LOL fans please don't hate me. To each his own, yeah?? I miss going to the movies. I need a movie buddy desperately so please hmu if you want to watch a movie!! I'm down for any movie seriously!! CAN YOU SENSE MY DESPERATION TO WATCH A MOVIE HAHAHA. I've been watching a ton of netflix original movies too. Notably, Shirkers, which I had just completed yesterday. Will talk about it in another post perhaps.

It's the end of the day, and I'm still feeling sad about certain things, but it's alright I'll get over it soon. I mean, this issue happens every year and I should have been over it by now, but I still feel very affected by it. It feels like I'm one of those palace maids who have been 打入冷宫 LOL. This is what happens when you watch too many palace dramas.

Today, I am grateful for Wenz, who came all the way to Tanjong Pagar to meet me for lunch. We had ramen from a noodle story and I really love the prawn fritters (??)!! IT'S SO GOOD. $8 though, and the queue was insanely long. But sooooo worth it. Blessed to have this amazing friend in my life. She doesn't realise how important she is to me and how selfless she is. Thank you ma friend for tolerating 16 years of my nonsense HAHAHAH WTH WE ARE OLD.

Goodnight pals. x, 

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