Monday, November 12, 2018

the reverse rabbit.

Last week was pretty darn amazing. Had my first ever public holiday ever since I started working!!

Over the weekend, we attended the kids' kindergarten annual performance.

My adorable nephew!! He was the lead singer for his performance and it was so hilarious because the way he held the mic - it's as though he knows what he is doing when I'm pretty sure the only words he knew were 彩虹 HAHA.

On Tuesday, it was Deepavali so it was great!! Decided to wake up early because I didn't want to waste my public holiday sleeping. Instead, I had a nice breakfast and caught up on reading and watching a movie, before heading down to mac's for Jayden's birthday celebration.

The celebration was a TOTAL CHAOS. Picture this: Approximately 20 kids, packed in a room in an events room in mac's, making a hell lot of noise. My cousin cleverly asked me to go inside the room to take pics for her but I'm like HELL NAH and pretended that I didn't hear her and went to sit down with the adults instead HAHA. Left the dirty work for another cousin HAHAHA.

It was damn hilarious because there was this game segment where they had to find some items hidden in the room, but they didn't know the items were only confined in the room, and suddenly, all of them opened the door and dashed out to the main dining area. Some of them even almost ran into mac's kitchen HAAHA and the mac's staff were screaming at them to get back into the room.

Jayden's parents also ordered a piñata for him, and each kid got to hit the piñata until it breaks. IT WAS AS THOUGH I WAS AT A ZOO, LOOKING AT ANIMALS. The kids were all scrambling on the floor, when the piñata finally broke apart and started raining candies. We were laughing like hell HAHA. Kids are really quite hilarious.

On wednesday, my company sent the new joiners on a mandatory port tour. It was very very interesting. Me and J didn't know why they told us they fell asleep. We were super fascinated by all the cranes and automated vehicles. We had a fun time spotting our company's containers, and were even lucky to spot one of the ship that had just docked at the port, loading and unloading goods. Too bad we weren't allowed to take pics inside the port because it was confidential I guess. But they allowed us to go to the 40th floor of the building where the business lounge was situated at, and take pictures of the view from above. It was fun!! And we got to skip work in the morning HAHA.

Had Shilifang with the choir girls at night and laughed so badly. For 30 mins, we were just sitting around the table, and sending one another our favourite telegram stickers, and sending stupid videos of us making stupid faces. It was a nice catchup.

Farah & Sarah.

Also, met Wenz and Bern to exercise and managed to meet ahmeng for dinner together. It was a short dinner but still very very happy to finally meet them because we are always so busy with our own stuff and it was rare that we were around the same area, and hence could meet.

Work was amazing too because my AM was in Japan for course, and it was pretty peaceful without him around because he often micro-manage my work and I didn't like it LOL. He is back today which is quite sad T___T But it's alright that doesn't mean he isn't a nice person and I should be grateful for that fact I guess.

Ok time to sleep. NIGHTS!!

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