Monday, January 7, 2019

Unlucky streak.

I've had a really tough week/moment for the past few days since last Friday. You'd think the new year would do me some good. It's been only 7 days and everyday is getting worse and worse.

Friday was the start of the downfall. I was met with a huge problem at work -- something that a few of us were at fault for, but perhaps I am to be blamed for most of it; or at least that's what my assistant manager has been trying to insinuate, even though I feel we all have an equal part to be blamed for.

That aside, on Saturday, things started off smoothly. I woke up early for my barre class, I had an amazing barre class which made me want to sign up for adults' ballet class again. I still had the mood to go shopping after barre. When I reached JP, I was in a really good mood, so I called home and offered to buy chicken wings for the fam. And here's the shit -- my mum told me to go buy a tray of eggs, which I was very unwilling to. You know how crazy the queue at JP's Fairprice is. Hell no am I going to queue 20 minutes to pay for just a tray of eggs. So I annoyedly told her NO, and she got pissed. I was all ready to leave, and then my conscience got the better of me, so I walked back to JP to get the damn bloody eggs.

En route to the supermarket, I passed by Yankee Candle, and they were having 50% off some candles, so I got 2 jars -- one as a gift, and the other for myself. And I proceeded to get the damn eggs.

And my mum pissed me off again. She wanted eggs of this specific brand (wth they don't even taste that different my goodness). And here's the worst part -- she wanted eggs of a specific MASS. WHAT THE HELL. The freaking eggs only came in either 550g (i.e. 55g/egg) or 630g (i.e. 63g/egg) and she bloody wanted eggs in 600g. I kept telling her NO THERE ISN'T and she kept yelling over the phone THERE IS THERE IS TAKE THE 600G. How on earth am I supposed to find eggs of 600g?? I AM NOT EVEN A CHICKEN. You expect me to go lay eggs of 60g each is it??!! SIAO RIGHT. I was so angry.

Heck it. So I just bought the bloody 550g eggs and walked home. I got really unlucky because I was only RIGHT OPPOSITE my block and it started POURING HEAVILY. Without warning. I was holding my phone, dem bloody eggs, 2 jars of candles in my hands. I was forced to take this route that we only used when it's raining, and there was a flight of stairs. And yes, the next moment, I was already slipping down the stairs, knocking my back and my butt against the stairs, smashing my phone against the concrete. There goes my phone. And there I was, still appreciating my phone in the previous post and commenting how much I love it. You'd think the eggs were the most brittle objects in my hands (my phone with a tempered glass + casing, 2 thick jar candles, eggs in a flimsy plastic cover), but damn, they survived the fall. They survived it so well.

The event happened so quickly that I didn't have enough time to react and recover from the shock, that I sat at the bottom of the stairs and started crying. How dramatic right?? I was really damn langbei at that moment. Hobbled my way home. I was definitely crying more over my phone.

Moral of the story: it doesn't pay to be kind. Should have ignored my mum and not return to buy the bloody eggs. I'm so pissed right now. And my heart is shattered because there's a lot of things I'd wanted to get this month - contact lens, new dresses for cny, fix my laptop. And now, I can't afford all of this because I need to get my phone fixed, and they quoted me $248, which is already so hefty and bursting this month's budget since I'd overspent last month because of all the christmas gifts I had to get.

Anyway, I moped over the entire weekend, and I'm still moping now because my heart aches whenever I look at my phone.

Went back to work today, and was given hell over last week's event. I'm so stressed at work, really. And my assistant manager is not helping at all. I think I showed all the stress on my face, and he kept wanting to talk to me about that mistake. After work, my colleague asked me if I was alright because I looked so stressed. I just smiled and said I'm fine, when in fact, I'm far from it. Sigh the heart is really heavy right now.

Here's to hoping the unlucky streak would cease now and all will be fine tomorrow. 

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