Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Farewell, 2018.

Here goes my annual routine of jotting down memories of 2018. Wanted to skip this entirely, but I want something to look back on.

The year started of with me changing my iPhone 6 to iPhone 8+. 

I love the Apple fam.

I extracted 2 wisdom tooth. 

The entire process could be read here

I removed my braces after 1 year and 1 month. 

Watched Maze Runner twice and cried still. 

Went for SS7 (Super Junior's concert - Super Show 7)!! 

It was a dream come true :') To finally meet my boys hehe. It was hella expensive but worth it. 

Went for dance classes with XM.

Had been thinking of going back to dance after so many years, but inertia was too high and I'm just a natural procrastinator. But XM invited me to join her and we've been going for classes!! She goes more regularly than me though HAHA I'm still such a lazyass. 

Dyed my hair back to black and cut it real short. 

The dye has since faded and my hair is back to its natural dark brown. My hair is still short, because my cousin is the kind of hairdresser whom you instruct her to cut off 2 inches, but she cuts 6. (A tad of an exaggeration but you get what I mean.)

Visited the We Bare Bears exhibition @ Sentosa alone. 

Was having a Singapore Studies lecture, when I decided to pop by the exhibition since it was the last weekend. Since I went alone, I had to ask strangers to help me take pictures. I realised that I'm really a shameless person. Can totally do stupid poses in front of strangers without giving a shit LOL. But it also made me realise that I'm really such a loner. People were confirmed judging me, perhaps thinking I'm friendless. But sometimes you just really need some alone time you know?? It's definitely a memorable day and I had so much fun. I even brought my mini Ice Bear to take pictures with the props. 

Finished my last paper in University. 

University was hell of a ride, but the last paper ended on such a high note :') It was a module that we 3 really worked hard for, staying up super late for the group project and got 100 marks for it!! (think we were the only group too HAHA so proud of us). And the final paper went so well!! We had a fun photoshoot in school to record down some of our memories as an undergraduate. 

Went to Japan!!

Japan has always been on my bucket list. The dad had promised to take me to Japan if I scored more than 250 for PSLE. I reached the goal, but for some reason, we never got to go to Japan. One random day, we received an email from the econs society, advertising for their first ever overseas immersion trip, and Do and I were like OMG YOU WANT TO GO?? I love how spontaneous we were!! We immediately emailed to ask them if graduating students could go, and they said yes!! And we signed up, flew to Japan, met a bunch of crazy fellow econs students. It's my first ever school trip (not counting the trip to Malaysia for our stargazing module), and it was great!!

Saw Mount Fuji!!

It was my favourite part of the entire trip!! Mount Fuji was absolutely gorgeous. 

Went to Nara Deer Park!!

And discovered my fear of deer. 

There are still many stories to be told of Japan, but that's a story for another day. 

Went on my grad trip to Korea with the 2J girls!!

It's hands down the best trip ever!! Ok short summary: we booked the tickets 1 year ago, and thank goodness everything fell into place (except that ahmeng had to cancel coz she had work), and off we flew. It was the most chill trip ever, we did everything we loved, we ate so much, we shopped so much. They say that going overseas will break friendships, but we didn't quarrel at all because we know one another so well :') Our living habits are all very tolerable HAHA. They are the best travel mates I could ever ask for!!

Sold my drawing. 

Ahmeng and her team organised an Art event, and people could submit postcards which they had made for sale. She asked me to submit a couple of pieces, so I printed some of my sketches. Priced it very cheaply at around $5 I think HAHAHA because wth there were so many gorgeous pieces at the exhibition, and I'm just this non-artistically inclined person trying to fake it. People appreciate my work already can 偷笑了HAHA. But apparently ahmeng told me someone actually bought one of it HAHA so thank you my secret buyer. 

Started on my job hunt with 17 interviews. 

My job search wasn't an easy process, as everyone would have known by now. It made me realise the importance of doing well in school and building up a portfolio, how important it was to have experience and doing a proper internship, which I failed to do so. It made me realise that my resume was actually good enough to secure interviews, but my interview skills were absolutely atrocious to have failed so many interviews. Jitters, perhaps. But through it all, I managed to get into a job suitable for me with a wonderful working environment. It may not be an established firm in Singapore (it is though, in Japan), but it's just right for me. It also taught me not to settle less in times of desperation, but to keep the faith and pursue what would make me happy. Thank God for it. 


Graduation ceremony with my fellow econs students. Really couldn't have survived uni without Vivan and Do!! The girls whom whined together with me, bitched with me over our free-riding groupmates, cursed with me at the assignments and exams, laughed with me, and most importantly, mala-ed with me HAHAHA. Thank you both of you, really :') And also thank you my friends who came down even though the ceremony ended so late!! And also a big shoutout to my parents, who supported me throughout uni and putting up with my tantrums whenever I was stressed. 

Also, went for all of my friends' convocation. So proud of all of you!! 

Visited a goat farm and a veggie farm in Singapore. 

Went out with the CG and we fed goats and took many pics and got to know more about them. There's always so much to learn about them since we only talk once a week. 

Grad Shoot. 

Went for my only grad shoot. The pics didn't turn out very nice, sadly. But there were still some nice photos of us. They aren't on my phone, but here's one that I saved. 

Bid goodbye to auditionsea.

HAHAHAH this is damn lame but the game that I used to play had shut down. 

Turned 23 on the 23rd.

23 was a very special day for me. The week following up to 23 was the most depressing week I had faced, because I was feeling so negative about being unemployed, and all the pressure from my family didn't help. I had envisioned myself to be successful by 23, but things didn't go all well-planned, and the uncertainty in the future frightened me so badly. But on the birthday, I was given so much love by family and friends. I had a full day of celebration and gained lots of fats HAHA but it was so worth it. Thank you so much my friends who listened to me whine. 

Got my job offer and started my first job. 

Yup, I was ecstatic. The wait was finally over. :') 

Had Hai Di Lao for the first time.

The soup was good, the noodles were good, the price was a bit high, the waiting time was crazy. 

Watched Lion King!!

Told myself that I could only watch the Lion King after getting a job, and damn, the stars were aligned!! Got a job offer the week before the Lion King ended its show in Singapore, and quickly booked tickets for it!! They were having a promo, so the tickets were slightly discounted, plus I got a free seat upgrade. During the show, I had the entire row to myself and it was such a great seat!! The musical was amazing. The props were gorgeous, the singing was lovely. Didn't ask anyone along because the tickets weren't cheap, and most of my friends had already watched their show before back when they first came to Singapore, or when they went to London. You see a pattern here - I totally love spending time alone. 

Started on classpass.

Classpass introduced me to many types of exercises classes. Did yoga for the first time with Bern, tried barre class and really missed ballet, did pilates, tried spin class and so many more. I will really miss classpass. Gonna stop my membership because they're gonna double their prices with their official launch this year :( Wouldn't have had the motivation to workout without this push factor. 

Halloween Horror Nights with the maple addicts.

It was super fun unexpectedly!! The scariest HHN I've ever been to. Still tolerable, but very fun!! Also, got to see how scared XM and Vivan were HAHAHA. Mich was the calmest please. The ghosts scared her but she just kept a pokerface and trudged on. We took rides too and they were super fun!! SCREAMED SO MUCH. 

Visited a ship port.

It was so interesting to see the containers being transported. 

Had Omakase for the first time. 

Fine dining can be nerve-wrecking. 

Completed a 10km marathon with Joey.

First marathon with Joey!! And definitely not our last. So proud of us for completing this, and more proud of Joey because she didn't stop running at all!! She's amazing.

Went to treetop walk for the first time.

And perhaps the last time. The scenery wasn't as lovely as the botanics :( Went with the CG, but we had a good HTHT after lunch, and listened to their relationship woes LOL. Cannot relate. 

And, I think that's about that. I probably missed out a hell load of stuff, but I'm too tired to focus, and am just glad that I didn't procrastinate in writing this post. It's only day 2 of 2019!! CANNOT LOSE TRACK AND BE LAZY!! 

In 2019, my goal is to have more patience, love and empathy towards the people around me. I also want to be more organised and balanced, to stop procrastinating and fulfil promises made to others as well as to myself. 

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