Friday, April 12, 2019

first marathon with le bff.

Wow I've disappeared from this space for 2 months. Every weekday night has been so exhausting. Not that working is very tiring, but somehow the fatigue all sinks in when I leave work.

Anyway, last weekend, on 7th April, I ran the first marathon with Wenz. We spontaneously signed up a few months ago because she had wanted to run a marathon before her birthday HAHAH (2 days before her birthday in fact). In the days leading up to the marathon, I was filled with laziness and dread and kept questioning my life choices HAHA.

But I thoroughly enjoyed the run!! The route that 2XU chose was quite different from that of StanChart's. We started from F1 Pit too, but passed by Kallang, Marina Barrage, GBTB, and MBS. There was much more greenery and scenic iconic places than the route we ran for StanChart 2018.

The only bad part is that there was this part of the marathon that was along the Kallang River and some estate area, and it was SO SQUEEZY!! Most people started walking at that point of the race because it was nearing the halfway mark, which means our energy would have depleted by a margin by then, and it was hard to keep left or right since the path was so small.

Also, the welfare was not as great as StanChart's. There were fewer water points and portable toilet cubicles along the route, and road marshalls as well. The post-marathon event was also underwhelming -- there weren't many booths or food stalls, so we just left immediately haha.

We stopped twice throughout the race, and that's pretty good since we haven't been training for this marathon and haven't exercised in ages HAHA. Wenz and I also matched each other's pace pretty well.

Us at the finishing line. HAHAHA ERROR 404 - EYES NOT FOUND.

Us with our medals!!

The 2XU shirt quite nice right!! The colour is kind of minty/turquoise!! WE LIKE.

Really enjoy running marathons because I feel that it's a test of your willpower, and I must say, my willpower is pretty darn strong one. I very good at 硬撑 de HAHA, which applies to my daily activities as well LOL. In fact, after this marathon, I really think it's possible to join a half marathon!! Of course have to train lah, but I think can make it de!! Maybe next year?? HAHAH.

Anyway I haven't seen this girl in ages T____T It's so hard to meet her and we hardly talk nowadays as well. So it was good to finally meet her and catch up over MACS after the run HAHHA wth pretty sure we gained more calories than we had burnt.

Hit me up if you want to run a marathon together. 

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