Friday, March 23, 2012

I survived term 2 week 1.

I officially survived term 2 week 1!! actually, I BARELY did. I was practically falling asleep during every lecture and even tutorials. I can't stand seeing mark's face. I can't stand memorizing any contextual shit. I can't stand long practices. I can't stand forgetting to bring my notes and feeling lost throughout lessons. I can't stand feeling stupid when the teachers ask me questions and I'm stumped. I need to sleep earlier and drink more essence of chicken to keep myself awake. Maybe it's time to buy coffee and go for lessons, but then again, I will have the coffee breath.

on a side note, my dad read on newspapers that some guy from singapore won some award because of his powerful english vocabulary. My dad was inspired by this guy, so he wanted to ADAPT his method and made me learn new words every day to improve my language haha. However, being the typical kiasu singaporean parent, he made me learn 10 new words a day. It's like memorizing the dictionary!! maybe I will become the first walking dictionary haha. I was thinking of one direction when typing this so I ended up typing DIRECTIONARY haha WTH.

to flaunt my new vocabulary skills, let me show off some of the new words I learnt, with this paragraph below:

I am royally pissed off with my mother. For the past few days, the first thing she said to me after reaching home was, "HOW ARE YOUR RESULTS??" Why is she so result-orientated?? I really feel like walloping someone right now. Can you feel my wrath?? However, I must not wreak havoc because I am angry with my mum. I have made some resolutions in the beginning of the year and I must not renege on my promises. It seems like the complains I have about life goes on ad infinitum. I must not let the Pandora's box within me to be opened. This little snag will not put me down. Ok, end of paragraph. Let me bid you all adieu.



  1. OMG WHATTTT DIRECTIONARY (Y) directioners read directionary. maybe i should memorize the directionary too!!!!

  2. LOL you know when i saw this post i was like i tot u posted that pic alr?? den i scroll down down down den now then i realised u posted it on fb not on blog -____- lol

  3. HAHAHAHA SARAH why are you so funny I am now in your fanclub

  4. HAHAHAHAHA SARAH your vocab is so wide ranged now!
