Sunday, April 22, 2012

99 balloons.

I watched 99 balloons today and it was really touching :'( I'm amazed how the parents are willing to sacrifice their lives for the kid even though he has this genetic disorder. They gave up their jobs, woke up at insanely hours to feed him. They went all out and celebrated his birthday EVERYDAY. They didn't abort him even though they knew that their kid has this disease.

As most people know, my parents are really old - my dad being 65 this year and my mum being 57 this year. So do your calculations and you can see how old they gave birth to me. My mum was considered too old to give birth. And most kids of elderly couple turn out to have defects. My parents told me once that they did consider aborting me if I had disorders. HMPH HEARTLESS HAHAHAH KIDDING. I KNOW THEY LOVE ME TOO MUCH TO DO SO.

Go watch the video if you are feeling sad and just want to cry LOL kidding.

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