Tuesday, April 10, 2012

weather and I.

Whoever says that the weather doesn't affect one's mood is absolutely wrong. I'm very pissed today, especially since it's a rainy day.

1. Napfa 2.4 timing was really good though. 13.38!! :) But my thighs and especially my weak knees are aching mad now and the moment I remind myself that there is PT tomorrow, I feel very sick all of a sudden. My knees feel like they are going to give way any moment. The fact that it is raining is not helping since my knees always feel exceptionally pain during rainy and cold weather like today. Maybe I have rheumatism LOLLLl although I highly doubt so since rheumatism are more for elderly, right?? I have heard of juvenile rheumatism though hahahaha.

2. I have to waste time taking a bus home because it's freaking raining. I prefer walking because it's so much faster and I really hate squeezing with the bunch of kiasu commuters on public transport, especially during peak hours. What rights do those commuters have to complain on students' attitudes/behaviours on buses, when it's actually the fault of their kiasu spirit which leads to such cases. Just because we are wearing uniforms caused us to be at a losing end. TSK. TYPICAL SINGAPOREANS. Hate it when I have to board a bus/mrt/lrt that is bloody filled with kiasu commuters especially OLs walao shit they piss me off big time. Conveniently pushing me away from the poles, making me to have nothing to hold on and have to rely on my obviously not very stable sense of balance, despite the fact that I do have lower CG since I am short. Plus, you can smell EVERYONE'S BODY SCENT when it is packed like sardines. Hate it when those commuters decide to just lean on the whole pole WHEN MY HAND IS HOLDING ON TO IT OMG OMG OMG can totally feel their sweat through the fabric of their clothing. EEEW GROSS SHIT.

3. The weather is too cooling and makes me want to sleep. I was going to sleep early today then I was reminded of stupid history homework and my blood boils so badly. I NEED SLEEP. I'M STILL A GROWING KID YOU KNOW. ARGHHHH. ANGST ANGST ANGST.

4. Shoes become wet easily because of the wet floor, and my mum is not helping the situation at all by complaining that my shoes are very dirty. PLEASE LAH I'm the one who is washing my own socks. Come on. I have to scrub like 10x more the effort when it's raining to make sure that my socks will be clean and "fragrant-smelling".

OK end of my angst rant post about rainy weather.

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