Thursday, May 17, 2012

patronizing update.

I'm tired of JC life. When we went to OCS yesterday, I really admire the other students from SP. Everyone looks so energetic there, while we just looked like we are on the verge of dying and suffering from lack of sleep. Anyway, I kept my laptop under my table for the past 2 days, and I must say that I work best without technological distraction. I purposely didn't charge my iPod, so that I won't be able to access wattpad/running man etc. I managed to finish chem tutorial!! I think this is the first tutorial I did by myself this term OMG THE TEARS OF JOY AND SATISFACTION. hahahha!! plus, completed 2 maths assignments during break time when the 4 pigs (chloe doreen freda liuhan) were sleeping since I was unable to sleep.

CCA TOMORROW. BRACE MYSELF FOR THE TOUGH DAYS AHEAD. Did I mention that our batch just created a whatsapp group?? hahaha yeah yada yada I know other CCA(s) have already created their batch/section whatsapp group aeons ago, but I'm glad that we are making some progress in being more bonded :) It seems like the concert has indeed brought us closer. (Y)

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