Thursday, June 7, 2012

I survived 2 anaesthetic shots.

At hu sir's house on tuesday haha!!

trying to imitate ng yong's fun shot pose in p6 class photo hahah omg!! Joseph looks hilarious omg junwei looks funny HAHHA. and marvin omg WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM OVER THE YEARS??!!

jump shot woohoo!! wendy's hair look like mermaid's haha!!

my turn!!

DISCLAIMER: Ok in case you are wondering, no, I did not go for plastic surgery or whatsoever. All I did was to undergo a minor surgery/procedure to get rid of this pus that has been growing for months under my left eyelid.

I had to take 2 anaesthetic shots before surgery. The nurse and doctor told me that the injection was the worst part, while the surgery wouldn't hurt at all since it would be numb. The needle looked around 7cm!! The first shot was pain, kind of like the injection in p6. I would be lying if I said I did not flinch. The second shot was to make sure that I had enough anaesthetic. It didn't hurt as much since the first shot was already working. All I could feel during the procedure was the doctor scraping my eyelids to dig out all the pus. YUCK. At that point of time, my eyelids felt like a scrap metal tin and the doctor was scraping dirt of it. There wasn't any pain. I could only feel pressure on my eyes.

The doctor told my mum to come and take a look at what he was doing if she was comfortable with it. Yes, there was blood. I could see the blood as the nurse was using a cotton bud to wipe away all traces of blood. The doctor was so hilarious haha. He told us that there were incidences whereby he told the relatives of the patients to come and take a look at what he was doing and they ended up fainting instead, so they had to stop the whole procedure and revive the fainted relatives. HAHAHA. I'm such a brave girl. I'm so proud of myself!!

Went home and took an 8 hour nap after lunch at ichiban since the doctor told me to take plenty of rest.

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