Saturday, June 30, 2012

we love chloe's house.

So we had 4H class outing on the 15th of June. 17 people agreed to come the day before, and in the end, 7 people appeared. TOO BAD. CHLOE'S MUM PAID FOR THE SEAFOOD SO WE ZHUAN DAO HAHAHHAA. Went grocery shopping in the afternoon with them :)

picture of the day HAHHA.

People there initially : Me, chloe, junhui, michele. Freda and zihao joined us later, followed by liuhan. We had fun playing Michele's cardgame of BANG! She's the first to die for like 3 rounds HAHAHA plus she kept on getting the sheriff. I got outlaw all the time except for one round. It's really a fun game. our favourite moment is DYNAMITE!! HAHAHA the adrenaline rush when everyone's afraid to lose 3 lives. They all called me the leecher. HMPH I'm sure I did help to kill the sheriff one way or another.

Junhui's face here HAHAHAH (Y).

Junhui making us chant WE LOVE CHLOE'S HOUSE.

After zihao left, we went down to watch a horror/thriller movie, I know who killed me. I think the blue roses are pretty. That's not the main point. The story is actually quite cool. I wonder if stimatic twins really do exist. It's kind of gruesome at the part when they were sawing off the fingers yuck. I used to like Lindsay Lohan when she acted in all those disney movies like Herby fully-loaded and Confessions of a teenage drama queen. What happened?? Anyway, the movie is filled with so much blue colour that I was so afraid that I would develop a phobia for blue. Just kidding. The movie is in fact quite amusing hahaha.

Vivan joined us for steamboat after that!! Everything about her is stitch!! I had fun peeling prawns haha. We watched running man and random korean dramas. We even had a little competition to see who can capture Liuhan's cute guy on tv. There was a moment where all of us whipped out our phones and preparing our cameras on standby haha!!

Wished more people could have come.

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