Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Santinizer or sanitizer.

Ok I'm really disturbed about the GP case studies on Mary Bell and James Bulger. Wth I can't believe that kids would actually murder, but it's proven to be so wrong. I'm pretty disturbed by the Hikikomori thing that Ms Cheng told us last year, about how the Japanese kid killed his schoolmate and hanged the head outside their school. FREAKY. What's really freaky is during the GP lesson, someone was smiling to himself, as usual. OMG CHILLS DOWN MY SPINE. I hope I won't get any nightmares tonight. The image of Mary Bell's eyes are is imprinted in my mind ARGHHHH GO AWAY.

PW was hilarious because we were laughing non-stop at Joey's YAO MING lookalike photo haha omg 99% alike!! Then Zixian started playing with his sanitizer and kept saying that the best way to wake someone up is to put the sanitizer on the person's neck. so he went to try it out on his poor victim: LOUIS HAHAHAH OMG. He spread sanitizer around poor Louis' neck haha too hilarious. Then Louis started saying what : stop playing with your SANTINIZER OMG WHAT ON EARTH IS A SANTINIZER??!! HAHA too joke!!

Hectic week. Monday is monday, tuesday is wednesday, wednesday is monday. OUCH MINDBLOWN. I can survive this week!! Oh, some good news. IT'S THE FIRST TIME I COMPLETED MY TUTORIAL IN AGES (ALL BY MYSELF)!! I just completed math tutorial 6A because Lawrence wants to collect it. Maybe it's not so bad, forcing us to do tutorials.

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